Books on Ancient Greece 2
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2012-5-11 13:47
2025-3-10 14:48
Adkins, Lesley and Roy A. Adkins - Handbook to life in ancient Greece.pdf 11.17 MB
Barker Andrew - The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece.pdf 3.18 MB
Barringer, Judith M. & Jeffrey M. Hurwit (eds.) - Periklean Athens and Its Legacy.Problems and Perspectives.pdf 19.72 MB
Billows, Richard A. - Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State.pdf 1.9 MB
Blok, L. & Lardinois, A. - Solon of Athens_New Historical and Philological Approaches.pdf 2.36 MB
Boegehold, Alan - The Lawcourts at Athens_Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia.pdf 7.53 MB
Brock & Hodkinson - Alternatives to Athens_Varieties of Political Organization in Ancient Greece.pdf 6.78 MB
Buckler, John - Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC.pdf 7.3 MB
Carey, Christopher - Trials from Classical Athens.pdf 844.81 KB
Cawkwell, George - The Greek wars_the failure of Persia.pdf 18.18 MB
Cohen, David - Law, violence and community in classical Athens.pdf 4.83 MB
Crouch Dora - Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities.pdf 28.27 MB
Dorter, Kenneth - Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues.pdf 1.63 MB
Dougherty, Carol (ed.) - Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece_Cult, Performance, Politics.pdf 5.26 MB
Eilers, Claude - Roman Patrons of Greek Cities.pdf 11.95 MB
Fain, Gordon L. - Ancient Greek Epigrams_Major Poets in Verse Translation.pdf 1.86 MB
Finkelberg, Margalit - Greeks and Pregreeks_Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition.pdf 3.31 MB
Fornara, Charles W. and Loren J. Samons II - Athens from Cleisthenes to Pericles.pdf 10.72 MB
Forsdyke John - Greece Before Homer.pdf 13.92 MB
Foxhall, Lin - Olive cultivation in ancient Greece_seeking the ancient economy.pdf 3.8 MB
Gaebel Robert - Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World.pdf 3.11 MB
Garland, Robert - Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks.pdf 5.19 MB
Gilhuly, Kate - The Feminine Matrix of Sex and Gender in Classical Athens.pdf 999.4 KB
Gottschall, Jonathan - The Rape of Troy_Evolution, Violence, and the World of Homer.pdf 1.38 MB
Hall Edith - The Theatrical Cast of Athens_Interactions between Ancient Greek Drama and Society.pdf 3.36 MB
Hanson, Victor David - Hoplites_the Classical Greek Battle Experience.pdf 5.81 MB
Harding, Philip - The Story of Athens_The Fragments of the Local Chronicles of Attika.pdf 1.55 MB
Harris & Ruffini (eds.) - Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece.pdf 4.88 MB
Harris, Edward - Law and society in ancient Athens.pdf 6.14 MB
Heath, John - The Talking Greeks_Speech, Animals, and the Other in Homer, Aeschylus, and Plato.pdf 4.11 MB
Heath, Thomas - History of Greek Mathematics 1.pdf 15.76 MB
Heath, Thomas - History of Greek Mathematics 2.pdf 30.25 MB
Hesk Jon - Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens.pdf 9.02 MB
Hubbard, Thomas K. - Homosexuality in Greece and Rome.pdf 3.81 MB
Humphrey J. W., Oleson J.P., Sherwood A.N. - Greek and Roman Technology.rar 1.95 MB
Hunt, Peter - War, Peace, and Alliance in Demosthenes' Athens.pdf 2.91 MB
Hunter & Rutherford (eds.) - Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture.pdf 2.12 MB
Hunter, R.L. - The New Comedy of Greece and Rome.pdf 7.32 MB
Irby-Massie, Georgia L.; Keyser, Paul T. - Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era.pdf 4.26 MB
Jamie P Nay - Citizenship, Culture and Ideology in Roman Greece.pdf 2.83 MB
Jeffery, H.L. - The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece_The Origins of the Greek Alphabet.pdf 40.62 MB
Jones, Nicholas - Politics and society in ancient Greece.pdf 1.51 MB
Jones, Nicholas - The associations of Classical Athens_the response to democracy.pdf 23.95 MB
Josiah Ober - Democracy and Knowledge_Innovation and Learning in Classical Athens.pdf 2.41 MB
Josiah Ober - Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens.pdf 3.95 MB
Josiah Ober - Political Dissent in Democratic Athens_Intellectual Critics of Popular Rule.pdf 1.13 MB
Kahn Charles - Anaximander and the Origins Of Greek Cosmology.pdf 13.14 MB
Konstan, David - Greek Comedy and Ideology [1995].PDF 15.89 MB
Kowalzig, Barbara - Singing for the Gods_Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece.pdf 4.61 MB
Lanni, Adriaan - Law and Justice in the Courts of Classical Athens.pdf 2.2 MB
Lape Susan - Race and Citizen Identity in Classical Athenian Democracy.pdf 2.32 MB
Lee, John - A Greek Army on the March_Soldiers and Survival in Xenophon’s Anabasis.pdf 2.37 MB
Lendon, J. E. - Soldiers and Ghosts_A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity.pdf 6.02 MB
Lewis M.J.T. - Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome.pdf 2.26 MB
Lloyd G.E.R. - Science, Folklore and Ideology_Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece.pdf 13.93 MB
Low, Polly - The Athenian Empire.pdf 2.19 MB
Luce, T. James - The Greek Historians.PDF 1021.65 KB
Lyons, Deborah - Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult.pdf 1.22 MB
Matthew Dillon and Lynda Garland (eds.) - Ancient Greece_Social and Historical Documents.pdf 3.81 MB
McCarthy, George E. - Classical horizons_the origins of sociology in ancient Greece.pdf 1.31 MB
Mikalson. Jon D. - Religion in hellenistic Athens.pdf 1.42 MB
Miller, Paul Allen - Lyric texts and lyric consciousness.pdf 10.13 MB
Moller, Astrid - Naukratis_trade in archaic Greece.pdf 12.77 MB
Monoson, Susan Sara - Plato’s Democratic Entanglements.pdf 1.98 MB
Morgan, Kathryn A. (ed.) - Popular tyranny_sovereignty and its discontents in Ancient Greece.pdf 17.75 MB
Morkot, Robert - The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece.pdf 18.3 MB
Morris Ian - Burial and Ancient Society_The Rise of the Greek City-State.pdf 15.83 MB
Munn, Mark - The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the tyranny of Asia.pdf 5.95 MB
Munn, Mark - The School of History_Athens in the Age of Socrates.pdf 3.14 MB
Naiden, F.S. - Ancient Supplication.pdf 16.67 MB
Nanno Marinatos and Robin Hägg (eds.) - Greek Sanctuaries.pdf 5.25 MB
Newby, Zahra - Greek Athletics in the Roman World_Victory and Virtue.pdf 10.17 MB
Ober, Josiah - Democracy and Knowledge_Innovation and Learning in Classical Athens.pdf 2.41 MB
Oliver G.J. - War, Food, and Politics in Early Hellenistic Athens.pdf 4.33 MB
Osborne, Robert - Greece in the making, 1200–479 BC (second ed.).pdf 7.21 MB
Parker, Robert - Polytheism and Society at Athens.pdf 10.14 MB
Persson, Axel - The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times.pdf 4.25 MB
Powell, Anton - Athens and Sparta.pdf 1.43 MB
Preus, Anthony - Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy.pdf 3.74 MB
Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin - Greek Tragedy.pdf 1.27 MB
Reed C.M. - Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World.pdf 7.76 MB
Roberts, J.W. - City of Sokrates_an introduction to classical Athens.pdf 2.76 MB
Robinson, C.E. - Everyday life in ancient Greece.pdf 10.62 MB
Robinson, C.E. - Hellas_a short history of ancient Greece.pdf 12.72 MB
Robinson, Eric W. (ed.) - Ancient Greek democracy_readings and sources.pdf 23.48 MB
Russo, Lucio - Forgotten Revolution_Hellenistic Science.pdf 16.59 MB
Saxonhouse, Ariene W. - Free Speech and Democracy in Ancient Athens.pdf 1.7 MB
Schaps, David M. - Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece.pdf 11.62 MB
Schaps, David M. - The invention of coinage and the monetization of Ancient Greece.pdf 1.33 MB
Sourvinou-Inwood, Christiane - 'Reading' Greek Death.pdf 29.72 MB
Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Christina - The Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age.pdf 2.61 MB
Stadter, Philip A. (ed.) - Plutarch and the Historical Tradition.pdf 1.36 MB
Strauss Clay, Jenny - Hesiod's Cosmos.pdf 2.2 MB
Strauss, Barry S. - Fathers and Sons in Athens_Ideology and Society in the Era of the Peloponnesian War.pdf 871.49 KB
Thomas, Rosalind - Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece.pdf 5.48 MB
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Tritle, Lawrence A. - The Peloponnesian War.pdf 11.3 MB
Trundle Matthew - Greek Mercenaries_From the Late Archaic Period to Alexander.pdf 3.04 MB
Wardy, Robert - The birth of rhetoric_Gorgias, Plato, and their successors.pdf 1.09 MB
Wolpert, Andrew - Remembering defeat_Civil War and civic memory in Ancient Athens.pdf 7.8 MB