[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React Native - The Practical Guide 2020
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:65a76fb157ea2bd61226b7dda2ade31ab1be38b2&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - React Native - The Practical Guide 2020
18.33 GB
2020-3-4 18:19
2024-12-26 04:34
01 Getting Started/001 Welcome.mp4 71.83 MB
01 Getting Started/002 What is React Native.mp4 16.04 MB
01 Getting Started/004 How React Native Works.mp4 20.26 MB
01 Getting Started/005 Expo vs React Native CLI.mp4 28.09 MB
01 Getting Started/006 Creating Our First React Native App.mp4 47.81 MB
01 Getting Started/007 Working on Our First App.mp4 63.74 MB
01 Getting Started/008 React Native Apps Are Hard Work.mp4 10.48 MB
01 Getting Started/009 React Native Alternatives.mp4 15.81 MB
01 Getting Started/010 Course Requirements.mp4 4.39 MB
01 Getting Started/011 Running the App on an Android Emulator.mp4 69.72 MB
01 Getting Started/012 Running the App on an iOS Simulator.mp4 25.44 MB
01 Getting Started/013 Course Outline.mp4 26.86 MB
01 Getting Started/014 How to get the Most out of This Course.mp4 10.68 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/016 Module Introduction.mp4 1.14 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/017 How to work with React Native Components.mp4 8.53 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/018 Setting Up A New Project.mp4 16.97 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/019 Planning the App.mp4 5.04 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/020 Working with Core Components.mp4 46.62 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/021 Getting Started with Styles.mp4 65.66 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/022 Flexbox Layouts (Intro).mp4 30.53 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/023 React Native Flexbox Deep Dive.mp4 93.64 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/024 Inline Styles StyleSheet Objects.mp4 45.56 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/025 Working with State Events.mp4 90.77 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/026 Outputting a List of Items.mp4 32.92 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/027 Styling List Items.mp4 31.79 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/028 Making it Scrollable with ScrollView.mp4 25.76 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/029 A Better List FlatList.mp4 66 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/030 Splitting the App Into Components.mp4 42.88 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/031 Passing Data Between Components.mp4 65.86 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/032 Working with Touchable Components.mp4 77.75 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/033 Deleting Items.mp4 46.63 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/034 Adding a Modal Overlay.mp4 55.92 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/035 More Flexbox Styling.mp4 32.59 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/036 Closing the Modal Clearing Input.mp4 59.26 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/037 Finishing the Modal Styling.mp4 43.96 MB
02 Diving into the Basics [COURSE GOALS APP]/038 Wrap Up.mp4 26.83 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/040 Module Introduction.mp4 1.5 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/041 What To Debug How To Debug.mp4 19.64 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/043 Handling Error Messages.mp4 49.96 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/044 Understanding Code Flow with console.log().mp4 40.22 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/045 Using the Remote Debugger Breakpoints.mp4 32.67 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/046 Working with the Device DevTools Overlay.mp4 9.19 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/047 Debugging the UI Using React Native Debugger.mp4 55.81 MB
03 Debugging React Native Apps/048 Wrap Up.mp4 9.52 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/050 Module Introduction.mp4 8.9 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/051 Setup App Planning.mp4 12.83 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/052 Adding a Custom Header Component.mp4 65.32 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/053 Adding a Screen Component.mp4 47.66 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/054 Working on the Layout.mp4 65.07 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/055 Styling a View as a Card Container (with Drop Shadows Rounded Corners).mp4 59.94 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/057 Extracting a Card Component (Presentational Component).mp4 58.21 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/058 Color Theming with Constants.mp4 52.91 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/059 Configuring Styling a TextInput.mp4 97.29 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/060 Cleaning User Input Controlling the Soft Keyboard.mp4 53.1 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/061 Resetting Confirming User Input.mp4 80.01 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/062 Showing an Alert.mp4 28.13 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/063 Time to Finish the Confirmation Box.mp4 72.95 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/064 Adding Random Number Generation.mp4 59.1 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/065 Switching Between Multiple Screens.mp4 106.57 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/066 Adding Game Features Hints Validation.mp4 107.09 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/067 Checking the Win Condition with useEffect().mp4 102.54 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/068 Finishing the Game Logic.mp4 48.31 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/069 Adding Custom Fonts.mp4 98.3 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/071 A Synthetic Style Cascade Custom Wrapper Components Global Styles.mp4 105.58 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/072 Adding Local Images.mp4 46.55 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/073 Styling Images.mp4 57.76 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/074 Working with Network (Web) Images.mp4 29.77 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/075 A Closer Look at the Text Component (and what you can do with it).mp4 93.97 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/077 Building a Custom Button Component.mp4 103.46 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/078 Adding Icons.mp4 47.8 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/079 Exploring UI Libraries.mp4 32.33 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/080 Managing Past Guesses as a List.mp4 75.76 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/081 Styling List Items Lists.mp4 83.85 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/082 ScrollView Flexbox (Yes that works).mp4 62.15 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/083 Using FlatList Instead of ScrollView.mp4 96.22 MB
04 Components Styling Layouts - Building Real Apps [GUESS A NUMBER APP]/084 Wrap Up.mp4 31.06 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/086 Module Introduction.mp4 7.8 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/087 Finding Improvement Opportunities.mp4 20.91 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/088 Working with More Flexible Styling Rules.mp4 30.26 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/089 Introducing the Dimensions API.mp4 36.83 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/090 Using Dimensions in if Checks.mp4 82.97 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/091 Calculating Sizes Dynamically.mp4 52.07 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/092 Problems with Different Device Orientations.mp4 22.66 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/093 Controlling Orientation Using the KeyboardAvoidingView.mp4 34.77 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/094 Listening to Orientation Changes.mp4 58.16 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/095 Rendering Different Layouts.mp4 74.42 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/096 Fixing the GameOver Screen.mp4 19.47 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/098 Expos ScreenOrientation API.mp4 41.99 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/099 Introducing the Platform API.mp4 37.21 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/100 Working with Platform.select() and Platform in if Checks.mp4 68.98 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/101 Using Platform-specific Code Files.mp4 37.61 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/102 Using the SafeAreaView.mp4 45.94 MB
05 Responsive Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps/103 Wrap Up.mp4 16.75 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/105 Module Introduction.mp4 7.93 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/106 Planning the App.mp4 28.8 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/107 Adding Screens.mp4 50.86 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/108 Adding Fonts.mp4 36.87 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/110 Installing React Navigation Adding Navigation to the App.mp4 41.38 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/112 Creating a StackNavigator.mp4 68.81 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/113 Navigating Between Screens.mp4 56.02 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/115 Navigation to the Meal Details Screen.mp4 10.52 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/116 Pushing Popping Replacing.mp4 63.55 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/117 Outputting a Grid of Categories.mp4 71.96 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/118 Configuring the Header with Navigation Options.mp4 72.18 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/119 Passing Reading Params Upon Navigation.mp4 43 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/120 Setting Dynamic Navigation Options.mp4 54.49 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/121 Default Navigation Options Config.mp4 99.4 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/122 Grid Styling Some Refactoring.mp4 120.43 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/123 Adding Meal Models Data.mp4 36.9 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/124 Loading Meals for Categories.mp4 46.94 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/125 Rendering a Meals List.mp4 188.57 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/126 Passing Data to the Meal Detail Screen.mp4 53.49 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/127 Adding Header Buttons.mp4 105.33 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/128 Fixing the Shadows.mp4 28.5 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/129 Adding Tabs-based Navigation.mp4 46.44 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/130 Setting Icons and Configuring Tabs.mp4 82.86 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/132 Adding MaterialBottomTabs.mp4 77.34 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/133 Adding a Favorites Stack.mp4 134.5 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/134 Adding a Menu Button Drawer Navigation.mp4 93.5 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/135 Configuring the Drawer.mp4 59.45 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/136 More Navigation Config Styling.mp4 71.5 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/137 Adding a DefaultText Component.mp4 30.93 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/138 Adding the MealDetail Screen Content.mp4 129.36 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/139 Time for the Filters Screen Content.mp4 123.06 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/140 Passing Data Between Component Navigation Options (Header).mp4 140.7 MB
06 Navigation with React Navigation [THE MEALS APP]/142 Wrap Up.mp4 5.67 MB
07 State Management Redux/144 Module Introduction.mp4 2.85 MB
07 State Management Redux/145 What is State What is Redux.mp4 17.14 MB
07 State Management Redux/146 Redux Store Setup.mp4 86.26 MB
07 State Management Redux/147 Selecting State Slices.mp4 87.95 MB
07 State Management Redux/148 Redux Data Navigation Options.mp4 58.29 MB
07 State Management Redux/149 Dispatching Actions Reducer Logic.mp4 136.33 MB
07 State Management Redux/150 Switching the Favorites Icon.mp4 78.36 MB
07 State Management Redux/151 Rendering a Fallback Text.mp4 29.88 MB
07 State Management Redux/152 Adding Filtering Logic.mp4 66.62 MB
07 State Management Redux/153 Dispatching Filter Actions.mp4 64.87 MB
07 State Management Redux/155 Wrap Up.mp4 17.76 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/157 Module Introduction.mp4 3.55 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/158 Planning the App.mp4 57.33 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/159 Creating the Basic Project Setup.mp4 40.4 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/160 The Products Overview Screen.mp4 82.54 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/161 Setting Up a Navigator.mp4 100.48 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/162 Styling the Product Items.mp4 189.13 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/163 Adding Touchable Components.mp4 138.56 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/164 Working on the Product Details Screen.mp4 61.55 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/165 Using Custom Fonts.mp4 55.94 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/166 Adding Items to the Cart.mp4 208.15 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/167 Implementing Header Buttons.mp4 187.03 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/168 Outputting Cart Items.mp4 120.36 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/169 Adding Logic to Delete Items.mp4 113.42 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/170 Adding Redux Logic for Orders.mp4 85.36 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/171 SideDrawer The Orders Screen.mp4 135.76 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/172 Clearing the Cart.mp4 17.96 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/173 Styling Order Items.mp4 121.91 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/174 Making the Show Details Button Work.mp4 95.6 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/175 Building the User Products Screen.mp4 101.31 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/176 Reorganizing the ProductItem Component.mp4 62.13 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/177 Deleting Items.mp4 81.42 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/178 Adding Basic Editing Navigation Logic.mp4 71.24 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/179 Handling User Input.mp4 132.26 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/180 Using Params to Submit User Input.mp4 26.53 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/181 Dispatching Actions for Creating Updating.mp4 160.56 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/182 Time to Improve the App.mp4 99.83 MB
08 Time to Practice - THE SHOP APP/183 Wrap Up.mp4 11.99 MB
09 Handling User Input/185 Module Introduction.mp4 2.24 MB
09 Handling User Input/186 Configuring TextInputs.mp4 87.35 MB
09 Handling User Input/187 Adding Basic Validation.mp4 61.88 MB
09 Handling User Input/188 Getting Started with useReducer().mp4 135.94 MB
09 Handling User Input/189 Finishing the Merged Form Input Management.mp4 151.25 MB
09 Handling User Input/190 Moving Input Logic Into A Separate Component.mp4 116.63 MB
09 Handling User Input/191 Connecting Input Component Form.mp4 162.95 MB
09 Handling User Input/192 Tweaking Styles Handling the Soft Keyboard.mp4 49.25 MB
09 Handling User Input/193 Alternatives Wrap Up.mp4 22.23 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/195 Module Introduction.mp4 2.6 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/196 Setup How To Send Requests.mp4 23.91 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/197 Installing Redux Thunk.mp4 16.54 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/198 Storing Products on a Server.mp4 85.77 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/199 Fetching Products from the Server.mp4 82.67 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/200 Displaying a Loading Spinner Handling Errors.mp4 139.43 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/201 Setting Up a Navigation Listener.mp4 53.15 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/202 Updating Deleting Products.mp4 49.61 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/203 Handling Additional Errors.mp4 106.92 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/204 Storing Orders.mp4 42.94 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/205 Displaying an ActivityIndicator.mp4 33.98 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/206 Fetching Stored Orders.mp4 91.16 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/207 Adding Pull to Refresh.mp4 44.96 MB
10 Http Requests Adding a Web Server Database/208 Wrap Up.mp4 10.76 MB
11 User Authentication/210 Module Introduction.mp4 1.5 MB
11 User Authentication/211 How Authentication Works.mp4 9.03 MB
11 User Authentication/212 Implementing a Basic Login Screen.mp4 147.89 MB
11 User Authentication/213 Adding User Signup.mp4 132.05 MB
11 User Authentication/214 Logging Users In.mp4 72.44 MB
11 User Authentication/215 Managing the Loading State Errors.mp4 90.63 MB
11 User Authentication/216 Using the Token.mp4 101.07 MB
11 User Authentication/217 Mapping Orders to Users.mp4 75.9 MB
11 User Authentication/218 Improved Mapping (Scoping).mp4 12.42 MB
11 User Authentication/219 Implementing Auto Login.mp4 173 MB
11 User Authentication/220 Adding Logout.mp4 70.86 MB
11 User Authentication/221 Implementing Auto Logout.mp4 149.45 MB
11 User Authentication/223 Wrap Up.mp4 5.28 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/225 Module Introduction.mp4 3.26 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/226 Planning the App.mp4 18.59 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/227 Screen Navigation Setup.mp4 120.81 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/228 Getting Started with the Form.mp4 53.58 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/229 Redux Adding Places.mp4 69.66 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/230 Outputting a List of Places.mp4 66.89 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/231 Accessing the Device Camera.mp4 164.01 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/232 Configuring the Camera Access.mp4 49.28 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/233 Using the Picked Image.mp4 48.06 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/234 Storing the Image on the Filesystem.mp4 78.59 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/235 Diving into SQLite for Permanent Data Storage.mp4 88.48 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/236 Storing Data in the Local Database.mp4 69.28 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/237 Fetching Data from the Local Database.mp4 63.95 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/238 Getting the User Location.mp4 100.83 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/239 Showing a Map Preview of the Location.mp4 116.75 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/241 Displaying an Interactive Map.mp4 78.91 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/242 Adding a Marker.mp4 54.39 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/243 Making the Picked Location Saveable.mp4 72.81 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/244 Storing Picked Places.mp4 28.7 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/245 Updating the Location Screen When the Location Changes.mp4 46.2 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/246 Storing the Address.mp4 81.35 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/247 Displaying the Details Screen.mp4 63.32 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/248 Finishing the Map Screen.mp4 66.72 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/249 Running the App on iOS.mp4 33.41 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/250 Running the App on Android.mp4 15.65 MB
12 Native Device Features (Camera Maps Location SQLite ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/251 Wrap Up.mp4 16.6 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/253 Module Introduction.mp4 19.58 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/254 Alternatives to Expo.mp4 42.84 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/255 Building Apps with Just the React Native CLI.mp4 82.51 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/257 Adding Native Modules to Non-Expo Apps.mp4 95.85 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/258 Understanding Expos Bare Workflow.mp4 77.96 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/259 Ejecting from Expos Managed Workflow.mp4 108.19 MB
13 Building Apps Without Expo/260 When To Use Which.mp4 21.75 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/262 Module Introduction.mp4 1.59 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/263 Deployment Steps.mp4 12.16 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/264 Configuring the App Publishing.mp4 59.08 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/265 Configuring Icons The Splash Screen.mp4 80.26 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/266 Working with Offline Asset Bundles.mp4 24.39 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/267 Using Over the Air Updates (OTA Updates).mp4 71.39 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/268 Building the Apps for Deployment (iOS Android).mp4 195.34 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/269 Publishing iOS Apps without Expo.mp4 72.47 MB
14 Publishing React Native Apps/270 Publishing Android Apps without Expo.mp4 63.62 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/273 Module Introduction.mp4 2.7 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/274 What Changed.mp4 18.42 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/275 Preparing the Project.mp4 34.21 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/276 More Information Updating the Project Dependencies.mp4 21.59 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/277 Moving from the Registry-like to the Component-based Navigation Config.mp4 90.84 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/278 First Migration Steps.mp4 128.78 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/279 Converting More Stack Navigators to the New Config.mp4 78.31 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/280 Migrating the Drawer Navigation.mp4 92.37 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/281 Replacing the Switch Navigator Auth Flow.mp4 124.86 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/282 Logout Further Fixes Adjustments.mp4 51.63 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/283 Extracting Screen Params.mp4 76.07 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/284 Setting Screen Options Dynamically.mp4 29.55 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/285 Remaining Migration Steps Roundup.mp4 24.16 MB
15 Updating to React Navigation 5/286 A Summary Of All Important Changes.mp4 57.07 MB
16 Course Roundup Next Steps/288 Roundup Next Steps.mp4 47.24 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/291 Module Introduction.mp4 1.54 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/293 Creating a New Project.mp4 6.86 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/294 JSX Elements you Can and Cant Use.mp4 10.32 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/295 Switching Away from create-react-native-app.mp4 52.59 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/298 Running the App on an Android Simulator ( Setup).mp4 21.82 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/299 Running our App on a Real Android Device.mp4 2.04 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/301 Running our App on an iOS Simulator.mp4 6.34 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/302 Running our App on an iOS Device.mp4 7.46 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/303 A Good Development Setup.mp4 5.29 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/304 Working on the App Adding a Textinput.mp4 18.03 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/305 Styling - Understanding the Basics.mp4 17.82 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/307 Positioning Elements with Flexbox.mp4 17.23 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/308 Adding a Button and Managing State.mp4 12.91 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/309 Creating a Custom Component.mp4 17.68 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/310 [OPTIONAL] Assignment Solution.mp4 123.27 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/311 Listening to Touch Events.mp4 20.64 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/312 Reacting to Press Events.mp4 9.36 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/313 Using a ScrollView.mp4 6.08 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/314 Rendering Lists Correctly.mp4 16.81 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/315 Adding Static Images.mp4 22.15 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/316 Using Network Images.mp4 7.31 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/317 Adding a Modal.mp4 39.27 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/318 React vs React Native.mp4 3.73 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/319 JavaScript - Supported Features.mp4 8.25 MB
18 [LEGACY] Diving into the Basics/320 Wrap Up.mp4 1.78 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/322 Module Introduction.mp4 929.74 KB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/323 A Brief Redux Refresher.mp4 4.52 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/325 Installing Redux and Creating a Basic Setup.mp4 9.88 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/326 Setting Up Actions.mp4 13.95 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/327 Setting Up the Reducer.mp4 13.27 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/328 Creating the Store.mp4 12.93 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/329 Connecting React Native to Redux.mp4 23.63 MB
19 [LEGACY] Using Redux with React Native/330 Wrap Up.mp4 1.35 MB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/332 Module Introduction.mp4 962.24 KB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/333 Using the Remote JavaScript Debugging console.log.mp4 6.67 MB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/334 Debugging with Breakpoints.mp4 3.83 MB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/335 Debugging with React Native Debugger.mp4 7.5 MB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/336 Debugging Redux.mp4 10.21 MB
20 [LEGACY] Debugging React Native Apps/337 Wrap Up.mp4 1.47 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/339 Module Introduction.mp4 1.53 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/340 Installing Libraries.mp4 5.1 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/342 Linking Libraries on iOS.mp4 8.29 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/343 Linking Libraries on Android.mp4 8.89 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/344 Using Library Features Adding Icons.mp4 13.14 MB
21 [LEGACY] Linking and Using Third Party Libraries/345 Wrap Up.mp4 1.24 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/346 Module Introduction.mp4 1.25 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/347 Navigation in Web Apps vs Native Apps.mp4 1.34 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/348 Exploring Native Navigation Solutions.mp4 37.07 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/350 Adding React Native Navigation to iOS.mp4 45.66 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/351 Adding React Native Navigation to Android.mp4 78.1 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/352 Finishing the Library Setup.mp4 20.95 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/353 Registering and Rendering a Screen.mp4 18.7 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/354 Adding a Tabs Screen (Tabs Navigation).mp4 18.21 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/355 Adding Icons to Tabs.mp4 11.32 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/356 Connecting Screens to Redux.mp4 6.1 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/357 Updating Redux.mp4 19.49 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/358 Pushing Pages (Navigating Forwards).mp4 20 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/359 Popping Pages (Navigating Backwards).mp4 18.54 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/360 More Navigator Methods.mp4 1.73 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/361 Adding a Side Drawer.mp4 15.9 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/362 Using Navigation Events Toggling the Drawer.mp4 16.16 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/363 Finishing the Drawer.mp4 6.07 MB
22 [LEGACY] Navigation in React Native Apps/364 Wrap Up.mp4 1.37 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/366 Module Introduction.mp4 2.4 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/367 Using StyleSheet vs Normal JS Objects.mp4 2.29 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/368 Vanilla CSS vs React Native Styles.mp4 10.83 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/369 Flexbox in Action.mp4 19 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/370 Styling with Relative Units.mp4 9.52 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/371 Global Styles with Custom Components.mp4 12.62 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/372 Synthetic Cascading of Styles.mp4 9.95 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/373 Styling Text.mp4 13.81 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/374 Cascading Text Styles.mp4 10.27 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/375 Adding a Background Image.mp4 20 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/376 Creating a Re-Usable Custom Button.mp4 18.83 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/377 Editing the Share Place Screen.mp4 39.96 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/378 Styling Splitting the Share Place Screen.mp4 28.9 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/379 Finishing the Share Place Screen.mp4 11.57 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/380 Your Challenge.mp4 1.85 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/381 Styling the Side Drawer.mp4 14.11 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/382 Quick Bug Fix PlaceInput Component.mp4 1.22 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/383 Intro Cross Platform Styles Responsiveness.mp4 2.25 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/384 Cross-Platform Styling Made Easy.mp4 2.57 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/385 Using the Platform API.mp4 9.97 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/386 Loading Different Icons for Different Platforms.mp4 14.12 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/387 Using Different Entry Points (into the App).mp4 1.95 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/388 Cross-Platform UI Libraries.mp4 5.4 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/389 The Responsive Styling Problem.mp4 3.65 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/390 Responsive Design Solutions.mp4 2.6 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/391 Using the Dimensions API.mp4 19.36 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/392 Adjusting Styles Dynamically (to changing Width Height).mp4 20.86 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/393 A Better Responsive Solution.mp4 14.73 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/394 Bug Fix Centering with Margins.mp4 2.23 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/395 Cleaning Up Dimensions Listeners.mp4 5.92 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/396 Styling Navigation Items (react-native-navigation).mp4 10.71 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/397 Preparing the App for Animations.mp4 21.88 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/398 Using the Animated API.mp4 23.61 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/399 [OPTIONAL] Assignment Solution.mp4 31.86 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/400 Animations Summary.mp4 4.98 MB
23 [LEGACY] Styling Animating React Native Apps (Correctly)/401 Wrap Up.mp4 2.19 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/403 Module Introduction.mp4 998.38 KB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/404 Managing Input Control State.mp4 40.6 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/405 Adding Custom Validation Logic.mp4 53.81 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/406 Using the Validation State.mp4 26.12 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/407 Dispatching an Auth Action.mp4 24.33 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/408 Switching Form (Auth) Modes.mp4 29.54 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/409 Configuring Text Input Components.mp4 26.42 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/410 Handling the Soft Keyboard.mp4 26.23 MB
24 [LEGACY] Handling User Input/411 Wrap Up.mp4 1.99 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/414 Module Introduction.mp4 1.34 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/416 Installing react-native-maps.mp4 24.05 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/417 Rendering a Map.mp4 32.84 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/418 Picking a Location on the Map.mp4 19.04 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/419 Adding a Map Marker.mp4 9.57 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/420 Animating Map Movement.mp4 9.56 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/421 Locating the User.mp4 25.87 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/422 Storing the Picked Location with Redux.mp4 26.94 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/423 Installing react-native-image-picker.mp4 24.85 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/425 Using the Image Picker.mp4 17.81 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/426 Storing the Picked Images.mp4 22.32 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/427 Image Picker and the Data it Returns.mp4 3.46 MB
25 [LEGACY] Using Native Device Features - Maps Camera Image Gallery/428 Wrap Up.mp4 2.31 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/430 Module Introduction.mp4 1.34 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/431 Sending Http Requests - Theory.mp4 2.27 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/433 Creating the Server.mp4 6.98 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/434 Using the Fetch-API.mp4 10.81 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/435 Storing Data in Firebase.mp4 28.09 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/437 Storing Images.mp4 52.84 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/439 Finishing the Image Upload Function.mp4 34.02 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/440 Storing the Remaining Data.mp4 8.09 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/441 Adding the Activity Indicator.mp4 39.54 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/442 Handling Errors.mp4 3.81 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/444 Getting Data from the Server.mp4 33.32 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/445 Fixing an Error.mp4 4.48 MB
26 [LEGACY] Networking - Sending Http Requests/446 Wrap Up.mp4 2.57 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/448 Module Introduction.mp4 1.31 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/449 How Authentication Works in React Native Apps.mp4 3.43 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/450 Enabling Firebase Authentication.mp4 3.98 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/451 Signing Users Up.mp4 21.13 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/452 Using the Authentication Result (Response).mp4 22.75 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/453 Supporting Signup and Login.mp4 9.51 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/454 Adding User Login.mp4 23.75 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/455 Protecting Routes on Firebase.mp4 7.04 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/456 Storing the Auth Token in Redux.mp4 14.86 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/457 Using the Auth Token.mp4 9.38 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/458 Fetching the Token in a Re-Usable Way.mp4 27.12 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/459 Protecting the Firebase Cloudfunction.mp4 26.42 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/460 Adding Places (Authenticated).mp4 11.89 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/461 Storing the Token in AsyncStorage.mp4 17.28 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/462 Adding an Auto-Signin Functionality.mp4 15.46 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/463 Managing the Token Expiration.mp4 41.13 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/464 Clearing the Auth Storage (AsyncStorage).mp4 6.03 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/465 Refreshing the Token.mp4 46.29 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/466 Adding User Logout.mp4 22.3 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/467 Refreshing the Token Without App Reloads.mp4 18.84 MB
27 [LEGACY] Authentication in React Native Apps/468 Wrap Up.mp4 3.38 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/470 Module Introduction.mp4 1.1 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/471 Identifying Improvement Potential.mp4 6.85 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/472 Shrinking Image Sizes.mp4 7 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/473 Resetting the Share Place Screen.mp4 34.06 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/474 Redirecting to Another Tab.mp4 43.48 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/475 Loading Places All The Time.mp4 12.98 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/476 Improving Http Error Handling.mp4 16.19 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/478 Cleaning Stored Images (on Firebase).mp4 33.93 MB
28 [LEGACY] Polishing the App/479 Wrap Up.mp4 1.15 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/480 Module Introduction.mp4 1.48 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/481 Adding Launcher Icons.mp4 16.09 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/482 Adding a Splash Screen.mp4 23.85 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/483 Configuring Building the App.mp4 30.78 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/484 Publishing to Google Play Store (Android).mp4 11.72 MB
29 [LEGACY] Publishing the App/485 Publishing to the App Store (iOS).mp4 17.51 MB
30 [LEGACY] Round Up/488 Course Roundup.mp4 4.46 MB