1.08 GB
2017-3-15 11:45
2025-1-24 13:04
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_17_expertdivide_unite.mov 16.06 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_19_anticipate_troubles.mov 13.63 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_16_thecropop.mov 13.15 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_18_fillopacity.mov 11.11 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_00LA_Intro.mov 10.98 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_20_exclude_intersect.mov 10.59 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_15_advdivide_unite.mov 10.49 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_10_compoundpaths.mov 10.17 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_07_preparetemplateinPs.mov 9.37 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_08_unitepermanently.mov 8.85 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_13_openpathpitfalls.mov 8 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_06_assembleprimitives.mov 6.71 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_02_editcompoundshape.mov 6.49 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_05_expcompshape.mov 6.13 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_14_strokebadfillgood.mov 5.75 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_04_insertsubpathcomp.mov 5.2 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_11_whenindoubtdivide.mov 5.15 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_12_divide_unite.mov 4.73 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_01_intropathfinderops.mov 4.25 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_03_addtocompoundshape.mov 4.08 MB
13. Pathfinder Operations/13_09_minusfrontvsback.mov 2.31 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_00LA_Intro.mov 15.5 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_07_alignpointtext.mov 8.25 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_10_aligntokeyobjects.mov 7.61 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_09_alignkeyletters.mov 6.33 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_01_snapanchorpoints.mov 6.05 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_08_alignlivetextvsoutlines.mov 5.21 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_04_setkeyobject.mov 4.93 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_03_distributetoartwork.mov 4.15 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_06_distributebyselection.mov 3.42 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_02_aligngrouptoartboard.mov 3.34 MB
14. Align and Distribute/14_05_distributebyspace.mov 3.05 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_00LA_Intro.mov 17.35 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_09_add_adjustradialgrad.mov 11.1 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_11_adddropshadows.mov 10.12 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_10_maketransparentgrad.mov 8.74 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_03_gradientpalette.mov 7.74 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_08_multigradssameangle.mov 6.94 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_06_intronewgradienttool.mov 6.66 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_01_applygradient.mov 6.46 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_04_designshadedgradient.mov 6 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_12_blendvsblendmode.mov 5.98 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_05_saveswatchaddtexture.mov 4.91 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_07_editcolorstopsinshape.mov 4.01 MB
15. Gradients and the Gradient Tool/15_02_drag_dropswatches.mov 3.44 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_08_warp_pucker.mov 17.21 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_00LA_Intro.mov 15.74 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_01_poweroftransgrads.mov 15.48 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_03_expandgradient.mov 14.78 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_10_gradientstrokes.mov 14.77 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_06_colorwitheyedropper.mov 12.42 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_05_select_colorpoints.mov 9.41 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_04_adddelrowscolumns.mov 8.78 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_02_creategradientmesh.mov 5.99 MB
16. Gradient Mesh/16_09_finishingtouches.mov 2 字节
16. Gradient Mesh/16_11_gradienttext.mov 2 字节
16. Gradient Mesh/16_07_meshedittechniques.mov 2 字节
17. Blends and Masks/17_00LA_Intro.mov 15.96 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_11_nestmaskinanother.mov 9.82 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_10_compoundclipmask.mov 9.19 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_07_blendalongacurve.mov 8.03 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_04_clone_colorblendpath.mov 7.32 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_01_makeblendauto.mov 7.24 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_02_fixproblemblends.mov 7.05 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_06_blendtranslucent.mov 6.87 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_09_fill_strokemask.mov 6.16 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_08_speedofblend.mov 5.95 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_12_ghostnestedmasks.mov 5.88 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_05_createamask.mov 5.76 MB
17. Blends and Masks/17_03_makeblendwithtool.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_06_howpatternrepeats.mov 21.41 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_11_protectyourpatterns.mov 19.94 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_01_introtilepatterns.mov 13.55 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_00LA_Intro.mov 13.36 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_09_savetilepatterns.mov 10.73 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_04_precisesymmetry.mov 5.35 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_05_centerrotateduplicate.mov 3.77 MB
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_08_identifyrectangulartile.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_03_buildinterlockelement.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_02_begincoredesign.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_10_applytilepatterns.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_07_colorthecoreobjects.mov 2 字节
18. Seamlessly Repeating Tile Patterns/18_12_movepatternswopaths.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_00LA_Intro.mov 19.98 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_04_editcalligraphicbrush.mov 16.84 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_09_refinewitheraser.mov 10.83 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_12_apply_scaleartbrush.mov 10.07 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_16_createcustomartbrush.mov 9.95 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_02_callibrushoptions.mov 9.19 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_14_colorizeartbrush.mov 8.24 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_15_heapstrokeonartbrush.mov 7.89 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_11_selectionlimitsmerge.mov 7.2 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_07_erasingstrokedpaths.mov 6.59 MB
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_06_makebrushbehave.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_01_intropaintingtools.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_03_pressuresensitivity.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_13_snipbrushedpath.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_05_repaintextendsmooth.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_10_paintindeppaths.mov 2 字节
19. Calligraphy, Blobs, and Art Brushes/19_08_paintwithblobbrush.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_05_addfiltermask.mov 18.67 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_11_imageresolution.mov 17.4 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_17_layercomps_editext.mov 17.32 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_00LA_Intro.mov 17.29 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_09_graphiceffectwlevels.mov 13.15 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_03_editimageinAI.mov 12.96 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_14_intimageintodesign.mov 10.53 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_16_trimpreviewtrick.mov 6.89 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_02_linkefficientembednot.mov 3.67 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_08_2ndgradientmaplayer.mov 3.59 MB
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_04_filterimageinPs.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_12_place_linkimage.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_10_prepareimageforAI.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_13_managelinkedimages.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_07_achievesepiaeffect.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_15_abetterwaytowraptext.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_06_maskwomanfrombg.mov 2 字节
20. Importing and Linking Images/20_01_copy_pastefromPshop.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_21_rasterizeinPhotoshop.mov 18.85 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_23_exportTIFFfromAI.mov 15.75 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_08_addtoopacitymask.mov 13.66 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_17_screenwith100Kblack.mov 12.39 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_11_createopposingmask.mov 12.17 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_04_defineopacitymask.mov 11.77 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_18_knockoutdropshadow.mov 10.77 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_13_blendmoderoundup.mov 9.74 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_16_maskentirelayer.mov 9.59 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_07_multiplyblendmode.mov 9.18 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_01_translucentcomp.mov 8.27 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_10_gradientopacitymask.mov 7.77 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_14_blendinsidepath.mov 7.15 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_03_knockoutgroup.mov 6.84 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_15_blendmode_transgrad.mov 6.61 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_02_opacitytoattribute.mov 5.81 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_06_opacitymasktips.mov 5.42 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_05_usetheclipcheckbox.mov 4.28 MB
21. Using Transparency/21_19_yeahbutwillitprint.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_20_flattenerpreview.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_00LA_Intro.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_09_blendbetweengroups.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_22_surichblack_rasterFX.mov 2 字节
21. Using Transparency/21_12_combmulti_screen.mov 2 字节
Conclusion/22_00LA_Intro.mov 2 字节
Introduction/00_01LA_Intro.mov 16.62 MB
Introduction/00_02_installdekekeys.mov 14.79 MB
Introduction/00_05_loadcolorAI.mov 10.01 MB
Introduction/00_04_InstallColor.mov 6.77 MB
Introduction/00_06_loadcolorBridge.mov 6.41 MB
Introduction/00_03_functionkeysonMac.mov 5.5 MB