[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Learn Python Programming Masterclass
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9cd9d54f39c309c90067057d09e9b2338427088f&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Learn Python Programming Masterclass
40.39 GB
2023-4-11 21:52
2024-12-26 11:40
1 - Course Introduction/1 - Introduction To The Course.mp4 42.51 MB
1 - Course Introduction/2 - Remaster in Progress.mp4 44.91 MB
1 - Course Introduction/3 - Video Quality.mp4 12.27 MB
1 - Course Introduction/4 - Subtitles.mp4 28.65 MB
1 - Course Introduction/5 - How to Get Help.mp4 101.09 MB
1 - Course Introduction/6 - Important Tip Source Code.mp4 62.57 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/336 - Object Orientated Programming and Classes.mp4 70.6 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/337 - Instances Constructors Self and more.mp4 83.92 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/338 - Class Attributes.mp4 104.37 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/339 - Methods Part 1.mp4 79.17 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/340 - Methods Part 2.mp4 86.94 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/341 - Non Public and Mangling.mp4 131.14 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/342 - DocStrings and Raw Literals.mp4 80.21 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/343 - Album class and More on DocStrings.mp4 88.21 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/344 - Artist class and import Albums.mp4 157.55 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/345 - Load data and Write Checkfile.mp4 112.14 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/346 - Compare Files and Algorithm Flowcharts.mp4 102.89 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/347 - Implement Revised LoadData Algorithm.mp4 250.81 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/348 - Write OOP Version.mp4 140.54 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/349 - Getters and Properties.mp4 109.98 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/350 - Remove Circular References Challenge.mp4 31.19 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/351 - Getters and Setters.mp4 147.52 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/352 - Data Attributes and Properties.mp4 90.11 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/353 - Alternate Syntax for Properties.mp4 44.52 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/354 - Inheritance.mp4 70.89 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/355 - Subclasses and Overloading.mp4 97.06 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/356 - Calling Super Methods.mp4 46.22 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/357 - Changing Behavior of Methods.mp4 58.66 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/358 - Overriding Methods.mp4 98.57 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/359 - Inheritance Challenge.mp4 98.52 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/360 - Polymorphism.mp4 127.73 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/361 - Duck Test.mp4 56.14 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/362 - Composition.mp4 105.97 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/363 - Composition Continued.mp4 68.28 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/364 - Test Code and Challenge.mp4 92.26 MB
10 - Object Oriented Python/365 - Aggregation.mp4 91.87 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/366 - Introduction to Databases.mp4 27.97 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/367 - Database Terminology.mp4 72.21 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/368 - Sqlite3 Install on Windows.mp4 81.54 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/369 - Sqlite3 Install on a Mac.mp4 38.22 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/370 - SQLite3 Install on Ubuntu Linux.mp4 27.34 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/371 - Introduction to SQLite.mp4 146.96 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/372 - More with SQL using SQLite.mp4 136.6 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/373 - Querying data with Sqlite.mp4 171.91 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/374 - Order by and Joins.mp4 213.58 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/375 - More complex Joins.mp4 312.94 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/376 - Wildcards and Views.mp4 255.51 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/377 - Housekeeping and the Challenge.mp4 167.74 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/378 - SQL in Python.mp4 93.73 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/379 - Connections Cursors and Transactions.mp4 91.99 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/380 - SQL Injection Attacks.mp4 75.58 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/381 - Placeholders and Parameter Substitution.mp4 48.86 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/382 - Exceptions.mp4 168.61 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/383 - Exceptions Challenge.mp4 91.21 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/384 - Exceptions Continued.mp4 148.85 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/385 - Raising Exceptions.mp4 75.59 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/386 - More on Exceptions.mp4 85.45 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/387 - Exceptions and TODO.mp4 101.63 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/388 - Rolling back Transactions.mp4 76.59 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/389 - Adding Database code to the Account Class.mp4 164.63 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/390 - GUI Database Editing Overview.mp4 9 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/391 - Ultimate Edition Database View.mp4 171.4 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/393 - Update Deposit and Withdrawal Methods.mp4 182.48 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/394 - Displaying Time in Different Timezones.mp4 112.14 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/395 - SQLite3 strftime Function.mp4 144.25 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/396 - Challenge.mp4 141.72 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/397 - Problems Storing Timezones.mp4 54.8 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/398 - Rolling Back Transactions.mp4 173.05 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/399 - Simple Database Browser.mp4 188.75 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/400 - Scrollbars.mp4 112.94 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/401 - Star Args.mp4 98.66 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/402 - Kwargs.mp4 47.65 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/403 - More on KWArgs.mp4 109.79 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/404 - Scrollable Listbox.mp4 192.02 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/405 - Populating a Listbox from a Database.mp4 122.32 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/406 - Show Songs from Album.mp4 76.56 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/407 - The DataListbox Class Code.mp4 196.47 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/408 - Linking our DataListBoxes.mp4 139.1 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/409 - Linking our DataListBoxes Continued.mp4 183.25 MB
11 - Using Databases in Python/410 - DataListbox Challenge.mp4 161.19 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/411 - Introduction.mp4 3.38 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/412 - Generators and Yield.mp4 123.13 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/413 - Next and Ranges.mp4 58.69 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/414 - Generator Examples Fibonacci numbers and Calculating Pi.mp4 182.15 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/415 - The oswalk Generator.mp4 143.08 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/416 - Searching the Filesystem.mp4 182.58 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/417 - Reading Mp3 Tags.mp4 215.98 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/418 - List Comprehensions.mp4 149.21 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/419 - List Comprehensions and SideEffects.mp4 53.52 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/420 - Challenge Solutions.mp4 102.85 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/421 - Conditional Comprehensions.mp4 83.35 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/422 - Conditional Expressions.mp4 125.68 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/423 - Challenges.mp4 30.36 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/424 - Challenge 1 Solution.mp4 49.04 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/425 - Challenge 2 Solution.mp4 143.77 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/426 - Nested Comprehensions.mp4 72.04 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/427 - Nested Comprehensions Challenge.mp4 223.41 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/428 - The timeit Module.mp4 141.52 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/429 - More on timeit.mp4 66.75 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/430 - timeit Continued and Challenge.mp4 251.72 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/431 - timeit Challenge.mp4 103.29 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/432 - Map Intro.mp4 68.77 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/433 - Map Challenge Completion.mp4 62.01 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/434 - The Filter Function.mp4 40.45 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/435 - The Reduce Function.mp4 57.75 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/436 - any and all.mp4 75.53 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/437 - Named Tuples.mp4 104.17 MB
12 - Generators Comprehensions and the timeit module/438 - any and all with Comprehensions.mp4 78.28 MB
13 - Big O notation/439 - Big O notation.mp4 58.8 MB
13 - Big O notation/440 - Big O tables and graphs.mp4 56.36 MB
13 - Big O notation/441 - Bubble sort.mp4 64.05 MB
13 - Big O notation/442 - Big O of Bubble sort and an optimisation.mp4 38.05 MB
13 - Big O notation/443 - Big O of our improved Bubble sort.mp4 32.32 MB
13 - Big O notation/444 - Bubble sort optimisation.mp4 42.02 MB
13 - Big O notation/445 - Best worst and average cases.mp4 30.26 MB
13 - Big O notation/446 - Big O summary.mp4 8.75 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/447 - Introduction to the section.mp4 13.42 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/448 - The turtle module.mp4 47.25 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/449 - Importing specific objects.mp4 20.66 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/450 - Namespaces and global scope.mp4 30.73 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/451 - Local scope.mp4 27.24 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/452 - Builtins.mp4 38.51 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/453 - Nested functions.mp4 19.08 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/454 - Enclosing scope.mp4 22.24 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/455 - A little white lie or an oversimplification.mp4 22.72 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/456 - Changing the value of a free variable.mp4 60.89 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/457 - Investigating changes to a free variable.mp4 82.53 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/458 - The nonlocal keyword.mp4 45.02 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/459 - The global keyword.mp4 44.11 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/460 - Importing and the global namespace.mp4 51.9 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/461 - I nearly forgot.mp4 20.01 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/462 - import.mp4 40.21 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/463 - if name main.mp4 68.53 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/464 - An optimisation you may see in code.mp4 65.51 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/465 - The webbrowser module.mp4 40.64 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/466 - Dates and times in Python.mp4 14.81 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/467 - The datetime modules date class.mp4 97.81 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/468 - timedelta objects.mp4 59.06 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/469 - The datetime modules time class.mp4 153.16 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/470 - datetimedate and another note about importing.mp4 24.19 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/471 - Aware and naive times.mp4 36.11 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/472 - zoneinfo backport.mp4 36.87 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/473 - timezone objects.mp4 74.91 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/474 - Timezone challenge solution.mp4 112.29 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/475 - Some behaviour you might not expect.mp4 73.29 MB
14 - Section 9 Remaster in Progress/476 - Perform arithmetic in UTC most of the time.mp4 59.87 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/477 - Python for Windows.mp4 16.9 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/478 - Installing IntelliJ IDEA for Windows.mp4 37.21 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/479 - Python for Mac.mp4 34.93 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/480 - Install IntelliJ IDEA for Mac.mp4 122.52 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/481 - Python for Linux.mp4 39.45 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/482 - Install IntelliJ IDEA for Linux.mp4 49.67 MB
15 - ARCHIVEDInstall and Setup/484 - Configuring IntelliJ IDEA WINDOWS MAC and LINUX.mp4 81.14 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/485 - Your Programming Careers Questions Answered.mp4 41.99 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/487 - Introduction.mp4 3.54 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/488 - Getting To Know Python.mp4 168.02 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/489 - Understanding More About Python.mp4 29.73 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/490 - Storing Items In Variables.mp4 41.27 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/491 - More About Variables And Strings.mp4 55.67 MB
16 - ARCHIVEDThe Basics of Python/492 - String Formatting Displaying Numbers And Strings.mp4 115.6 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/493 - Introduction.mp4 2.53 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/494 - An Introduction To Program Flow Control.mp4 18.75 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/495 - Test Conditions With If ElIf Else.mp4 74.93 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/496 - More Advanced If ElIf Else Processing.mp4 49.11 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/497 - Challenge If Then Else.mp4 22.35 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/498 - For Loops.mp4 31.45 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/499 - Extending For Loops.mp4 34.8 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/500 - Understanding Continue Break And Else.mp4 55.03 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/501 - Augmented Assignment.mp4 30.33 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/502 - Challenge Program Flow Part 1.mp4 73.17 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/503 - Challenge Program Flow Part 2.mp4 78.35 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/504 - While Loops.mp4 78.98 MB
17 - ARCHIVEDProgram Flow Control in Python/505 - Challenge While Loop.mp4 39.7 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/506 - Introduction.mp4 1.81 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/507 - Lists In Python.mp4 49.77 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/508 - More About Lists.mp4 38.06 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/509 - Challenge Lists.mp4 45.52 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/510 - Understanding Iterators.mp4 34.19 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/511 - Understanding and using Ranges.mp4 46.85 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/512 - More About Ranges.mp4 52.28 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/513 - Tuples.mp4 62.71 MB
18 - ARCHIVEDLists Ranges Tuples in Python/514 - More On Tuples.mp4 66.3 MB
19 - ARCHIVEDThe Binary number system explained/515 - Introduction to the Section.mp4 8.13 MB
19 - ARCHIVEDThe Binary number system explained/516 - Binary Basics.mp4 44.12 MB
19 - ARCHIVEDThe Binary number system explained/517 - What is binary.mp4 34.93 MB
19 - ARCHIVEDThe Binary number system explained/518 - Hexadecimal and Octal and the Challenge.mp4 123.31 MB
2 - Install and Setup/10 - Install IntelliJ IDEA for Mac.mp4 15.31 MB
2 - Install and Setup/11 - Python for Linux.mp4 44.21 MB
2 - Install and Setup/12 - Install IntelliJ IDEA for Linux.mp4 15.05 MB
2 - Install and Setup/13 - Configuring IntelliJ IDEA WINDOWS MAC and LINUX.mp4 74.77 MB
2 - Install and Setup/14 - Further configuration of IntelliJ.mp4 36.7 MB
2 - Install and Setup/7 - Python for Windows.mp4 35.63 MB
2 - Install and Setup/8 - Installing IntelliJ IDEA for Windows.mp4 27.33 MB
2 - Install and Setup/9 - Python for Mac.mp4 44.69 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/519 - Introduction to the Section.mp4 4 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/521 - Python Dictionaries.mp4 68.74 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/522 - Dictionaries Part 2.mp4 114.56 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/523 - Dictionaries Part 3.mp4 156.64 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/524 - Dictionaries Challenge.mp4 133.4 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/525 - More on Dictionaries.mp4 98.78 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/526 - The Second Dictionary Challenge.mp4 91.48 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/527 - Sets.mp4 77.2 MB
20 - ARCHIVEDPython Dictionaries and Sets/528 - Python Sets Part 2 and Challenge.mp4 99.08 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/529 - Introduction to the Section.mp4 2.66 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/530 - Reading and writing text files.mp4 119.81 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/531 - Writing Text Files.mp4 64.05 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/532 - Appending to Files and Challenge.mp4 49.76 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/533 - Writing Binary Files Manually.mp4 65.23 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/534 - Using Pickle To Write Binary Files.mp4 91.53 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/535 - Shelve.mp4 95.86 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/536 - Manipulating Data With Shelve.mp4 65.28 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/537 - Updating With Shelve.mp4 149.8 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/538 - Shelve Challenge.mp4 92.7 MB
21 - ARCHIVEDInput and Output IO in Python/539 - Challenge Continued.mp4 93.87 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/366 - Introduction to Databases.mp4 27.97 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/367 - Database Terminology.mp4 72.21 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/368 - Sqlite3 Install on Windows.mp4 81.54 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/369 - Sqlite3 Install on a Mac.mp4 38.22 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/370 - SQLite3 Install on Ubuntu Linux.mp4 27.34 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/371 - Introduction to SQLite.mp4 146.96 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/372 - More with SQL using SQLite.mp4 136.6 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/373 - Querying data with Sqlite.mp4 171.91 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/374 - Order by and Joins.mp4 213.58 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/375 - More complex Joins.mp4 312.94 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/376 - Wildcards and Views.mp4 255.51 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/377 - Housekeeping and the Challenge.mp4 167.74 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/378 - SQL in Python.mp4 93.73 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/379 - Connections Cursors and Transactions.mp4 91.99 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/380 - SQL Injection Attacks.mp4 75.58 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/381 - Placeholders and Parameter Substitution.mp4 48.86 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/382 - Exceptions.mp4 168.61 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/383 - Exceptions Challenge.mp4 91.21 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/384 - Exceptions Continued.mp4 148.85 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/385 - Raising Exceptions.mp4 75.59 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/386 - More on Exceptions.mp4 85.45 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/387 - Exceptions and TODO.mp4 101.63 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/388 - Rolling back Transactions.mp4 76.59 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/389 - Adding Database code to the Account Class.mp4 164.63 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/390 - GUI Database Editing Overview.mp4 9 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/391 - Ultimate Edition Database View.mp4 171.4 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/393 - Update Deposit and Withdrawal Methods.mp4 182.48 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/394 - Displaying Time in Different Timezones.mp4 112.14 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/395 - SQLite3 strftime Function.mp4 144.25 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/396 - Challenge.mp4 141.72 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/397 - Problems Storing Timezones.mp4 54.8 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/398 - Rolling Back Transactions.mp4 173.05 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/399 - Simple Database Browser.mp4 188.75 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/400 - Scrollbars.mp4 112.94 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/401 - Star Args.mp4 98.66 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/402 - Kwargs.mp4 47.65 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/403 - More on KWArgs.mp4 109.79 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/404 - Scrollable Listbox.mp4 192.02 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/405 - Populating a Listbox from a Database.mp4 122.32 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/406 - Show Songs from Album.mp4 76.56 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/407 - The DataListbox Class Code.mp4 196.47 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/408 - Linking our DataListBoxes.mp4 139.1 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/409 - Linking our DataListBoxes Continued.mp4 183.25 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/410 - DataListbox Challenge.mp4 161.19 MB
23 - Bonus Including Slides/541 - Bonus Downloads including slides.mp4 105.74 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/15 - Introduction.mp4 9.85 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/16 - Our First Python Program.mp4 44.96 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/17 - Printing in Python.mp4 34.21 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/18 - Strings in Python.mp4 41.5 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/19 - The Escape Character.mp4 57.28 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/20 - More on Escape Characters in Strings.mp4 32.49 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/21 - Variables and Types.mp4 54.55 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/22 - Python is a Strongly Typed Language.mp4 34.78 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/23 - Numeric Data Types in Python.mp4 21.72 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/24 - Numeric Operators.mp4 26.16 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/25 - Expressions.mp4 25.11 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/26 - Operator Precedence.mp4 37.04 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/27 - The str String Data Type.mp4 30.97 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/28 - Negative Indexing in Strings.mp4 27.12 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/29 - Slicing.mp4 63.88 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/30 - Slicing with Negative Numbers.mp4 13.56 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/31 - Using a Step in a Slice.mp4 27.67 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/32 - Slicing Backwards.mp4 22.84 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/33 - Challenge Solution and Slicing Idioms.mp4 44.87 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/34 - String Operators.mp4 69.19 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/35 - String Replacement Fields.mp4 111.84 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/36 - String Formatting.mp4 75.84 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/37 - fstrings.mp4 21.1 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/38 - Python 2 String Interpolation.mp4 41.93 MB
3 - Stepping into the World of Python/39 - Section Summary.mp4 7.04 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/40 - Introduction to Blocks and Statements.mp4 115.86 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/41 - if Statements.mp4 43.41 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/42 - elif.mp4 39.35 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/43 - Using a Debugger in IntelliJ or Pycharm.mp4 82.25 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/44 - More on if elif and else.mp4 28.93 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/45 - if elif and else in the Debugger.mp4 32.33 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/46 - Adding a Second Guess.mp4 38.17 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/47 - Conditional Operators.mp4 69.5 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/48 - Challenge Solution.mp4 16.61 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/49 - Using and or in Conditions.mp4 38.66 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/50 - Simplify Chained Comparison.mp4 31.03 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/51 - Boolean Expression True and False.mp4 62.08 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/52 - Truthy Values.mp4 39.99 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/53 - in and not in.mp4 37.66 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/54 - if Challenge.mp4 9.6 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/55 - Solution to if Challenge.mp4 24.23 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/56 - for loops.mp4 28.66 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/57 - Stepping through a for loop.mp4 68.76 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/58 - for loops Extracting Values from User Input.mp4 43.76 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/59 - Iterating Over a Range.mp4 13.91 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/60 - More About Ranges.mp4 20.4 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/61 - Nested for loops.mp4 31.74 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/62 - continue.mp4 55.1 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/63 - break.mp4 47.21 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/64 - Initialising Variables and None.mp4 40.44 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/65 - while loops.mp4 48.36 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/66 - More on while loops.mp4 36.55 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/67 - Break in a while loop.mp4 24.01 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/68 - The Random Module and Import.mp4 74.43 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/69 - Challenge Solution.mp4 52.13 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/70 - Binary Search.mp4 21.74 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/71 - Hi Lo Game.mp4 41.77 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/72 - Pass Statement and Complete the Hi Lo Game.mp4 35.97 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/73 - Testing the Hi Lo Game.mp4 86.19 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/74 - Augmented Assignment.mp4 48.08 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/75 - PEP8 The Python Style Guide.mp4 73.95 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/76 - Refactoring Code.mp4 28.67 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/77 - else in a loop.mp4 25.56 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/78 - else in the Hi Lo Game.mp4 51.74 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/79 - Conditional Debugging.mp4 51.79 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/80 - Another else Example.mp4 16.06 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/81 - Section Summary and Challenge.mp4 9.56 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/82 - Section Challenge Solution.mp4 26.88 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/83 - Optional Extra Challenge Solution.mp4 40.81 MB
4 - Program Flow Control in Python/84 - Changing the Condition.mp4 15.67 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/100 - Sorting Things.mp4 73.83 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/101 - CaseInsensitive Sorting.mp4 37.49 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/102 - Creating Lists.mp4 67.54 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/103 - Replacing a slice.mp4 52.82 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/104 - Deleting Items from a List.mp4 58.66 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/105 - Safely removing values from a list.mp4 21.17 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/106 - Removing the High Values.mp4 55.36 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/107 - Test Test and Test Then Test Again.mp4 33.34 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/108 - Testing the Program.mp4 37.47 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/109 - Removing Items from a List Backwards.mp4 39.86 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/110 - The Reversed Function.mp4 52.19 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/111 - Algorithms Performance.mp4 85.62 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/112 - Summary so far.mp4 12.01 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/113 - Nested Lists Code Style.mp4 69.19 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/114 - Processing Nested Lists.mp4 36.44 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/115 - Solution to nospam Challenge.mp4 30.95 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/116 - Function Signatures.mp4 34.17 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/117 - print revisited.mp4 42.59 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/118 - The join Method.mp4 58.31 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/119 - The split Method.mp4 65.87 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/120 - Solution to Mini Challenge.mp4 46.21 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/121 - Tuples.mp4 30.97 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/122 - Tuples are Immutable.mp4 29.28 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/123 - Unpacking a Tuple.mp4 50.55 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/124 - Practical uses for Unpacking Tuples.mp4 28.02 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/125 - More Unpacking.mp4 47.45 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/126 - Nested Tuples and Lists.mp4 47.24 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/127 - Solution to Unpacking Challenge.mp4 12.67 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/128 - Nesting Further.mp4 22.17 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/129 - Nested Data Structures.mp4 49.66 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/130 - Nested Indexing.mp4 37.35 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/131 - Simple Jukebox Demonstration.mp4 18.99 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/132 - Simple Jukebox Importing Data.mp4 43.43 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/133 - Simple Jukebox The Code.mp4 56.81 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/134 - Constants in Python.mp4 75.32 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/135 - Finishing the Code.mp4 47.27 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/136 - Challenge.mp4 9.5 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/137 - Challenge Solution.mp4 27.73 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/138 - Summary.mp4 12.03 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/85 - Introduction to Sequence Types.mp4 18.11 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/86 - Lists.mp4 24.26 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/87 - Immutable Objects.mp4 53.5 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/88 - Mutable Objects.mp4 22.39 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/89 - Binding Multiple Names to a List.mp4 32.15 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/90 - Common Sequence Operations.mp4 36.57 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/91 - Operations on Mutable Sequences.mp4 26.18 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/92 - Appending to a List.mp4 59.99 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/93 - Mini Challenge Solution.mp4 25.14 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/94 - Iterating Over a List.mp4 52.84 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/95 - The enumerate Function.mp4 34.11 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/96 - Improving our Code.mp4 101.44 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/97 - Removing Items from a List.mp4 51.85 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/98 - Sorting Lists.mp4 38.86 MB
5 - Lists and Tuples/99 - Builtin Functions.mp4 40.93 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/139 - Introduction.mp4 14.72 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/140 - Defining a function.mp4 26.55 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/141 - Program flow when calling a function.mp4 24.13 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/142 - Parameters and arguments.mp4 31.84 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/143 - Debugging with parameters.mp4 50.28 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/144 - Palindromes.mp4 33.45 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/145 - Palindrome challenge solution.mp4 18.82 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/146 - Sentence challenge solution.mp4 55.64 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/147 - Functions calling functions.mp4 17.59 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/148 - Returning values.mp4 78.51 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/149 - getinteger Challenge solution.mp4 52.04 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/150 - Returning None.mp4 24.83 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/151 - Functions that perform actions.mp4 79.88 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/152 - Handling invalid arguments.mp4 92.71 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/153 - width challenge solution.mp4 30.93 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/154 - Default parameter values.mp4 26.75 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/155 - Keyword arguments.mp4 78.52 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/156 - Docstrings.mp4 62.92 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/157 - Writing a Docstring.mp4 69.05 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/158 - How professional is that.mp4 64.93 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/160 - Fibonacci Numbers.mp4 50.91 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/161 - Writing a fibonacci function.mp4 77.68 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/162 - Function annotations and type hints.mp4 65.85 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/163 - Function annotations with default values.mp4 33.19 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/165 - A history lesson.mp4 73.49 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/166 - Printing in colour.mp4 57.9 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/167 - Running your program like a user.mp4 51.23 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/168 - Windows Only Installing prerelease version of colorama.mp4 58.23 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/169 - colorama module and virtual environments.mp4 76.62 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/170 - Activating a virtual environment.mp4 58.29 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/171 - A function to test our HiLo game.mp4 59.68 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/172 - Counting correct guesses.mp4 28.31 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/173 - Playing Fizz Buzz.mp4 28.85 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/174 - Playing Fizz Buzz Solution.mp4 53.08 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/175 - args.mp4 47.77 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/176 - colourprint with multiple arguments.mp4 50.17 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/177 - Rules for variable number of arguments.mp4 28.4 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/178 - Defining different parameter types.mp4 51.26 MB
6 - Functions An Introduction/179 - Section Summary.mp4 15.68 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/180 - Introduction.mp4 7.08 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/181 - What is a dictionary.mp4 36.7 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/182 - Iterating over a dictionary.mp4 49.78 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/183 - Adding items to a dictionary.mp4 37.44 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/184 - Changing values in a dictionary.mp4 42.06 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/185 - Removing items from a dictionary.mp4 60.89 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/186 - Using in with a dictionary.mp4 67.12 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/187 - Dictionary menu challenge solution.mp4 65.19 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/189 - Adding items to a dictionary.mp4 47.77 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/190 - Smart fridge.mp4 32.21 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/191 - Whats for tea.mp4 59.21 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/192 - Using several dictionaries together.mp4 54.36 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/193 - Checking the pantry.mp4 49.15 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/194 - Checking quantities choosing a data structure.mp4 45.34 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/195 - Checking quantities the code.mp4 44.39 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/196 - Solution Create a shopping list challenge.mp4 59.36 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/197 - Wrong decisions dont have to be fatal.mp4 48.72 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/198 - The setdefault method.mp4 100.66 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/199 - APIs and a mobile phone demo.mp4 59.26 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/200 - The dict documentation.mp4 93.56 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/201 - The remaining dict methods.mp4 31.62 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/202 - The dict update method.mp4 76.6 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/203 - The dict values method.mp4 68.25 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/204 - References to mutable objects.mp4 37.2 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/205 - Shallow copy.mp4 44.75 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/206 - Shallow copy stepbystep.mp4 28.56 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/207 - Deep copy.mp4 28.23 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/208 - Simple deep copy solution.mp4 100.91 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/209 - Hash functions.mp4 85.89 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/210 - A really bad hashing function.mp4 44.51 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/211 - Hash tables.mp4 31.79 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/212 - Completing our simple dictionary implementation.mp4 38.83 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/213 - Hash functions and security.mp4 25.66 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/214 - hashlib the secure hash module.mp4 114.13 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/215 - Introduction to AndroidTim.mp4 23.32 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/216 - Introduction to sets.mp4 23.6 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/217 - Python sets.mp4 18.74 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/218 - Implications of sets being unordered.mp4 35.41 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/219 - set membership.mp4 65.53 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/220 - Testing set membership is fast.mp4 29.5 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/221 - Adding items to a set.mp4 26.29 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/222 - Using a set to remove duplicate values.mp4 48.8 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/223 - Deleting items from a set.mp4 51.36 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/224 - The discard method.mp4 53.06 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/225 - The remove method.mp4 135.63 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/226 - The pop method.mp4 30.95 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/227 - set union.mp4 42.64 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/228 - Set union in practice.mp4 46.79 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/229 - Union update.mp4 26.85 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/230 - Advantage of the set operation methods over the operators.mp4 46.81 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/231 - Set intersection.mp4 46.82 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/232 - Set intersection in practice.mp4 28.35 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/233 - Set difference.mp4 20.41 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/234 - Set difference in practice.mp4 28.06 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/235 - Set symmetric difference.mp4 34.49 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/236 - subsets and supersets.mp4 17.7 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/237 - subsets and supersets in Python.mp4 67.79 MB
7 - Dictionaries and Sets/238 - Practical application of subsets and supersets.mp4 46.44 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/240 - Introduction.mp4 7.25 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/241 - Files and directories.mp4 46.57 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/242 - Introduction to the command prompt or terminal.mp4 60.4 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/243 - Paths.mp4 86.63 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/244 - Text files.mp4 8.67 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/245 - Reading from a text file.mp4 64.71 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/246 - Opening a file using with.mp4 18.41 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/247 - read readline and readlines.mp4 49.12 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/248 - strip lstrip and rstrip.mp4 35.09 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/249 - removeprefix and removesuffix in Python 39.mp4 21.41 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/250 - Parsing data in a text file.mp4 58.15 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/251 - Working with text data.mp4 50.57 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/252 - Solution to capital city challenge.mp4 47.09 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/253 - Dictionary values with multiple keys.mp4 27.49 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/254 - Printing data to a text file.mp4 45.42 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/255 - Writing data to a text file.mp4 81.91 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/256 - File modes.mp4 61.85 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/257 - Unicode a brief history.mp4 40.58 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/258 - Unicode in Python.mp4 28.87 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/259 - File encodings.mp4 85.97 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/260 - Serializing data using JSON.mp4 48.33 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/261 - Limitations of JSON.mp4 52.03 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/262 - Practical application parsing JSON data.mp4 42.18 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/263 - Practical application parsing JSON data from the internet.mp4 58.53 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/264 - The CSV format.mp4 110 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/265 - Reading a CSV file.mp4 99.44 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/266 - quoting in a CSV file.mp4 31.28 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/267 - Sniffer and Dialect.mp4 71.7 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/268 - CSV Dialect.mp4 72.04 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/269 - Writing a CSV file.mp4 40.6 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/270 - The csv DictReader.mp4 25.73 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/271 - Solution to DictReader challenge.mp4 70.19 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/272 - Field names with DictReader and DictWriter.mp4 79.07 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/273 - Reading and writing multiple files.mp4 56.06 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/274 - The csv DictWriter.mp4 98.7 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/275 - The zip function.mp4 45.42 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/276 - Reading and writing to the same text file.mp4 64.31 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/277 - Solution to parsing functions challenge.mp4 76.8 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/278 - The recordinvoice function.mp4 76.29 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/279 - Using the recordinvoice function.mp4 78.73 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/280 - seek and tell.mp4 86.61 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/281 - Improving the recordinvoice function.mp4 41.43 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/283 - Working with binary files bytes and bytearray.mp4 64.6 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/284 - Reading a bitmap file.mp4 112.91 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/285 - Little endian and big endian.mp4 14.52 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/286 - Making sense of binary data.mp4 122.89 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/287 - Reading tags in an mp3 file.mp4 55.53 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/288 - The ID3v2 specification.mp4 129.09 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/289 - The code.mp4 106.1 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/290 - Filling in the blanks.mp4 126.79 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/291 - Extracting images.mp4 152.08 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/292 - Testing our readid3 program.mp4 93.63 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/293 - Checking the hash of a file.mp4 32.1 MB
8 - Reading and writing files in Python/295 - End of Remaster.mp4 14.51 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/296 - Introduction to the Section.mp4 3.31 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/297 - Modules and import.mp4 43.26 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/298 - The standard Python library.mp4 85.14 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/299 - WebBrowser Module.mp4 279.84 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/300 - Time and DateTime in Python.mp4 111.71 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/301 - Time Continued and Challenge.mp4 55.33 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/302 - Timezones.mp4 167.03 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/303 - Check Path In Windows.mp4 150.58 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/304 - Check Path on a Mac.mp4 124.17 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/306 - Installing the pytz module WindowsMacLinux.mp4 112.72 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/307 - Using Timezones.mp4 79.71 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/308 - More on Timezones.mp4 156.65 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/309 - Timezone Challenge.mp4 120.42 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/310 - Introduction to Tkinter.mp4 95.09 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/311 - TkInter Pack Geometry Manager.mp4 83.01 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/312 - TkInter Grid Geometry Manager.mp4 151.06 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/313 - Advanced GUI Example Part 1.mp4 133.57 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/314 - Advanced GUI Example Part 2.mp4 235.24 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/315 - Advanced GUI Example Part 3.mp4 289.25 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/316 - Tkinter Challenge.mp4 143 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/317 - Functions in Python.mp4 102.11 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/318 - Functions Part 2.mp4 73.23 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/319 - Functions Part 3.mp4 57.88 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/320 - Parabola More on Functions.mp4 68.74 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/321 - Scope in Functions.mp4 126.91 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/322 - Fix Function and Draw Circles.mp4 89.69 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/323 - Enhanced Circles and Challenge.mp4 74.19 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/324 - Blackjack Setup.mp4 75.16 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/325 - Load Cards.mp4 239.28 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/326 - Deal Cards.mp4 102.05 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/327 - Global Variables.mp4 107.37 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/328 - Global Keyword.mp4 190.8 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/329 - Test Blackjack Game.mp4 129.18 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/330 - Blackjack Challenge.mp4 220.17 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/331 - Importing Techniques.mp4 204.07 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/332 - Underscores in Python code.mp4 80.06 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/333 - Namespaces more on Scope and Recursion.mp4 146.32 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/334 - Recursion with OS Module and Filesystem and Nonlocal keyword.mp4 117.71 MB
9 - Modules and Functions in Python/335 - Nonlocal keyword Free and LEGB.mp4 124.68 MB