GOAL English Worksheets
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A612E91263313641518E8E1A30BD961578772D3C&dn=GOAL English Worksheets
76.19 MB
2013-3-11 03:54
2025-3-1 00:45
English Grammar In Use with Answers -viny.pdf 73.09 MB
Consistent Verb Tense 2.pdf 49.79 KB
How to Find Nouns in Sentences.pdf 49.51 KB
Quotes 3.pdf 45.99 KB
Pronouns Information Sheet.pdf 44.66 KB
Quotes Practice 1 Q1-4.pdf 40.07 KB
Verbals Information Sheet (2).pdf 37.13 KB
Verbals Information Sheet.pdf 37.13 KB
Verbals Information Sheet (1).pdf 37.13 KB
Plurals - Poss Chart 2.pdf 33.12 KB
Plurals - Poss 1 - Chart 1.pdf 33.12 KB
Plurals Poss Chart 3.pdf 33 KB
Plurals - Poss Chart 4.pdf 32.88 KB
Adj & Adv - Short Sentences 6.pdf 32.53 KB
Plurals 1.pdf 29.59 KB
Consistent Verb Tense 3 w Had.pdf 29.25 KB
Commas 1-1 Rules 1-9.pdf 28.41 KB
KISS Info Sheet + Application Ex.pdf 28.4 KB
Commas 1-2 Semicolons.pdf 27.47 KB
Gerund Exercise - Identifying and Using Gerunds.pdf 27.35 KB
Prepositions Info Sheet.pdf 26.78 KB
Plurals or Sing Plur Poss 9.pdf 26.29 KB
Plurals or Sing Plur Poss 9 (1).pdf 26.29 KB
Adjectives & Adverbs 5 (Old 1H).pdf 26.21 KB
Subjects & Predicates 3 - Simple.pdf 25.78 KB
PronounAntecedent 6 Indefinites.pdf 25.06 KB
Usage 2-2c their there theyre.pdf 24.8 KB
Verbs Information Sheet.pdf 24.71 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 1-2.pdf 24.51 KB
Verb Phrases 4.pdf 24.47 KB
Pronouns after Than or As 1.pdf 24.2 KB
Consistent Verb Tense Practice 1.pdf 24.12 KB
Adjectives & Adverbs 4.pdf 24.01 KB
Comparative Superlative Modifiers 1.pdf 23.96 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 1-4.pdf 23.92 KB
Comparative Superlative Modifiers 2.pdf 23.74 KB
Nouns 4 - Practice Identifying Nouns.pdf 23.73 KB
Sentence Fragments 1a (1).pdf 23.69 KB
Sentence Fragments 1a.pdf 23.69 KB
Verb Infinitives vs. Verb Phrases.pdf 23.65 KB
Usage 2-2b your youre.pdf 23.6 KB
Using Legalized Repairs 1c.pdf 23.37 KB
Pronoun Antec Agreement 5 - Mixed.pdf 23.35 KB
Pronoun Antec Agreement 5 - Mixed (1).pdf 23.35 KB
Commas 1-7 - FAN BOYS.pdf 23.24 KB
Choosing Who or Whom 2.pdf 23.22 KB
PronounAntecedent 2 Mixed.pdf 23.18 KB
Irregular Verbs 4.pdf 23.17 KB
Legalized Repairs 1e FAN BOYS.pdf 23.07 KB
Prep Phrases 2 - Long Sentences.pdf 22.99 KB
Subject-Object Pronouns(Old #9).pdf 22.9 KB
Choosing Who or Whom 1.pdf 22.87 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 2-3.pdf 22.82 KB
Run-on Sentences 1b.pdf 22.78 KB
Nouns 3 + key - mcdermott _2_.pdf 22.72 KB
Commas 1-3 Rules 1-11A.pdf 22.69 KB
Parallel Structure 1.pdf 22.66 KB
Subjects and Predicates 1.pdf 22.64 KB
Usage 2-2a then than.pdf 22.63 KB
Usage 1-2 acceptexcept, canmay, affecteffect, amongbetween.pdf 22.61 KB
Correct Dangling Modifiers.pdf 22.59 KB
Finding Adverbs 2.pdf 22.59 KB
Prep Phrases 3 - Short Sentences.pdf 22.59 KB
PronounAntecedent old PN214.pdf 22.58 KB
Finding Adjectives 1.pdf 22.57 KB
Quotes Practice 2 Q3-Q4.pdf 22.55 KB
Commas 1-4 - mixed.pdf 22.46 KB
Unclear Pronoun Reference.pdf 22.46 KB
Poss Prac-Choose Sing Plural Poss 7.pdf 22.41 KB
Verbs & Verb Phrases 1.pdf 22.36 KB
Compound Reflexive Pronouns.pdf 22.35 KB
Plurals or Sing Plur Poss 8.pdf 22.35 KB
Parallel Structure 2.pdf 22.34 KB
PronounAntecedent 1 Personal PNs.pdf 22.34 KB
AdjAdv - Usage (goodwell, suresurely).pdf 22.32 KB
Usage 1-1 lielay, sitset, reaiserise.pdf 22.31 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 2-2.pdf 22.28 KB
PronounAntecedent 3 Indefs.pdf 22.28 KB
Commas 1-6 - dates, appos, addr, semi-colons.pdf 22.22 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 1-1.pdf 22.14 KB
Usage 1-3 mixed.pdf 22.1 KB
Poss 10 rev.pdf 22.1 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement 2-1.pdf 22.07 KB
Apostrophes 1.pdf 22.06 KB
Smallest Adj - Articles A, AN, THE.pdf 22.02 KB
Commas 2-4 Rules 16-17.pdf 21.99 KB
More with A or An.pdf 21.95 KB
Pronouns Mixed Practice.pdf 21.93 KB
Capitalization 2 - Mixed.pdf 21.88 KB
Adjectives & Adverbs 3.pdf 21.86 KB
Commas 2-5.pdf 21.81 KB
End Punctuation - including indirect questionpolite request.pdf 21.75 KB
End Punctuation - including indirect questionpolite request (2).pdf 21.75 KB
End Punctuation - including indirect questionpolite request (1).pdf 21.75 KB
Possessives 11 - SP or PP Zins.pdf 21.75 KB
Negative Words.pdf 21.74 KB
Subjects and Predicates 4 - simple short sent.pdf 21.74 KB
Commas 1-5 - Mixed.pdf 21.7 KB
Irregular Verbs 1 (1).pdf 21.69 KB
Irregular Verbs 1.pdf 21.69 KB
Commas 2-2 Mixed + some Commas.pdf 21.64 KB
Prep Phrases 4 - Short Sentences.pdf 21.61 KB
Commas 2-3 Rules 12-17.pdf 21.52 KB
Subj Obj Pronouns 2.pdf 21.4 KB
Irregular Verbs 3.pdf 21.37 KB
Prep Phrases 1.pdf 21.36 KB
Commas 2-1 Rules 12-15.pdf 21.29 KB
Linking Action Verbs 2.pdf 21.26 KB
SubjectObject Pronouns 1.pdf 21.24 KB
Possessive 6 Hardgrove.pdf 21.23 KB
SubjectVerb Agreement - Mixed 1-3.pdf 21.23 KB
Apostrophes 2 - Mixed.pdf 21.15 KB
Verbs & Verb Phrases 2.pdf 20.96 KB
Verbs and Tenses.pdf 20.76 KB
Irregular Verbs 2 (1).pdf 20.72 KB
Linking Action Verbs 1.pdf 20.61 KB
Nouns 1 - Practice Identifying Nouns (2).pdf 20.27 KB
Nouns 1 - Practice Identifying Nouns.pdf 20.19 KB
Nouns 1 - Practice Identifying Nouns (1).pdf 20.19 KB
Subjects & Predicates 2 - Simple.pdf 20.02 KB
Irregular Verbs 2.pdf 19.95 KB
Commas Summary.pdf 19.93 KB
Nouns 2 - Capitalize as Needed.pdf 19.82 KB
pronouns after than or as 5 voskuil.pdf 19.05 KB
Using Than or As in Comparisons 2.pdf 18.85 KB
Commas Information Sheet.pdf 18.45 KB
Parts of Speech Summary.pdf 18.35 KB
Usage 2-3 Mixed.pdf 17.77 KB
Usage 2-1Mixed.pdf 17.74 KB
USAGE 2-4.pdf 16.83 KB
Usage 1-4 acceptexcept affect effect.pdf 16.48 KB
More legal repairs 1d.pdf 16.3 KB
Capitalization 1 C1-12.pdf 16.2 KB