Udemy - Spring Professional Certification Exam Tutorial
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:bfc4f2069cae40060c5e1d83180ae00659e14919&dn=Udemy - Spring Professional Certification Exam Tutorial
12.07 GB
2022-4-5 15:13
2025-3-17 08:19
Module 01/00. Environment setup.mp4 98.93 MB
Module 01/01. What is dependency injection and what are the advantages.mp4 82.64 MB
Module 01/02. What is a pattern what is an anti pattern.mp4 70.07 MB
Module 01/03. What is an interface and what are the advantages of.mp4 88.89 MB
Module 01/04. What is meant by application context.mp4 28.34 MB
Module 01/05. What is the concept of a aeuroecontaineraeur and what is its lifecycle.mp4 73.23 MB
Module 01/06. How are you going to create a new instance of an context.mp4 127.51 MB
Module 01/07. Can you describe the lifecycle of a spring bean in an.mp4 75.56 MB
Module 01/08. How are you going to create an applicationcontext in an.mp4 17.13 MB
Module 01/09. What is the preferred way to close an application context.mp4 40.64 MB
Module 01/10. Can you describe dependency injection using java.mp4 189.42 MB
Module 01/11. Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default how do.mp4 77.27 MB
Module 01/12. What is a property source how would you use propertysource.mp4 24.91 MB
Module 01/13. What is a beanfactorypostprocessor and what is it used for.mp4 43.85 MB
Module 01/14. What is a beanpostprocessor and how is it different to a.mp4 87.23 MB
Module 01/15. What does component scanning do.mp4 20.59 MB
Module 01/16. What is the behavior of the annotation autowired with.mp4 154.28 MB
Module 01/17. What do you have to do if you would like to inject.mp4 59.24 MB
Module 01/18. How does the qualifier annotation complement the use of.mp4 44.95 MB
Module 01/19. What is a proxy object and what are the two different types.mp4 105.44 MB
Module 01/20. What are the advantages of java config what are the limitations.mp4 116.39 MB
Module 01/21. What does the bean annotation do.mp4 62.7 MB
Module 01/22. What is the default bean id if you only use bean how can.mp4 16.52 MB
Module 01/23. Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with.mp4 55.72 MB
Module 01/24. How do you configure profiles what are possible use cases.mp4 133.9 MB
Module 01/25. Can you use bean together with profile.mp4 23.02 MB
Module 01/26. Can you use component together with profile.mp4 27.02 MB
Module 01/27. How many profiles can you have.mp4 15.73 MB
Module 01/28. How do you inject scalar literal values into spring beans.mp4 46.74 MB
Module 01/29. What is value used for.mp4 49.09 MB
Module 01/30. What is spring expression language spel for short.mp4 77.36 MB
Module 01/31. What is the environment abstraction in spring.mp4 58.79 MB
Module 01/32. Where can properties in the environment come from.mp4 92.47 MB
Module 01/33. What can you reference using spel.mp4 49.01 MB
Module 01/34. What is the difference between $ and # in value expressions.mp4 18.78 MB
Module 02/01. What is the concept of aop.mp4 128.71 MB
Module 02/02. What is a pointcut a join point an advice an aspect weaving.mp4 122.98 MB
Module 02/03. How does spring solve implement a cross cutting concern.mp4 104.2 MB
Module 02/04. Which are the limitations of the two proxy types.mp4 152.09 MB
Module 02/05. How many advice types does spring support can you name each one.mp4 66.07 MB
Module 02/06. What do you have to do to enable the detection of the aspect.mp4 62.59 MB
Module 02/07. If shown pointcut expressions would you understand them.mp4 222.35 MB
Module 02/08. What is the joinpoint argument used for.mp4 35.17 MB
Module 02/09. What is a proceedingjoinpoint when is it used.mp4 44.85 MB
Module 03/01. What is the difference between checked and unchecked.mp4 70.84 MB
Module 03/02. How do you configure a datasource in spring.mp4 126.19 MB
Module 03/03. What is the template design pattern and what is the jdbc template.mp4 87.49 MB
Module 03/04. What is a callback what are the three jdbctemplate.mp4 153.67 MB
Module 03/05. Can you execute a plain sql statement with the jdbc template.mp4 14.53 MB
Module 03/06. When does the jdbc template acquire and release a.mp4 76.88 MB
Module 03/07. How does the jdbctemplate support generic queries.mp4 63.4 MB
Module 03/08. What is a transaction what is the difference between.mp4 71.44 MB
Module 03/09. Is a transaction a cross cutting concern how is it.mp4 34.94 MB
Module 03/10. How are you going to define a transaction in spring what.mp4 76.53 MB
Module 03/11. Is the jdbc template able to participate in an existing.mp4 48.34 MB
Module 03/12. What is a transaction isolation level how many do we have.mp4 207.09 MB
Module 03/13. What is enabletransactionmanagement for.mp4 47.78 MB
Module 03/14. What does transaction propagation mean.mp4 99.58 MB
Module 03/15. What happens if one transactional annotated method is.mp4 46.02 MB
Module 03/16. Where can the transactional annotation be used what is a.mp4 29.42 MB
Module 03/17. What does declarative transaction management mean.mp4 19.24 MB
Module 03/18. What is the default rollback policy how can you override it.mp4 32.24 MB
Module 03/19. What is the default rollback policy in a junit test when.mp4 34.34 MB
Module 03/20. Why is the term unit of work so important and why does.mp4 77.17 MB
Module 03/21. What do you need to do in spring if you would like to work.mp4 65.05 MB
Module 03/22. Are you able to participate in a given transaction in.mp4 32.85 MB
Module 03/23. Which platformtransactionmanager s can you use with jpa.mp4 95.55 MB
Module 03/24. What do you have to configure to use jpa with spring.mp4 48.26 MB
Module 03/25. What is a repository interface.mp4 53.48 MB
Module 03/26. How do you define a repository interface why is.mp4 52.83 MB
Module 03/27. What is the naming convention for finder methods in a.mp4 51.33 MB
Module 03/28. How are spring data repositories implemented by spring at runtime.mp4 94.32 MB
Module 03/29. What is query used for.mp4 21.91 MB
Module 04/01. What is spring boot.mp4 51.32 MB
Module 04/02. What are the advantages of using spring boot.mp4 74.78 MB
Module 04/03. Why is it opinionated.mp4 86.59 MB
Module 04/04. What things affect what spring boot sets up.mp4 54.9 MB
Module 04/05. What is a spring boot starter pom why is it useful.mp4 25.57 MB
Module 04/06. Spring boot supports both properties and yml files would.mp4 46.09 MB
Module 04/07. Can you control logging with spring boot how.mp4 71.63 MB
Module 04/08. Where does spring boot look for property file by default.mp4 41.16 MB
Module 04/09. How do you define profile specific property files.mp4 25.24 MB
Module 04/10. How do you access the properties defined in the property files.mp4 32.19 MB
Module 04/11. What properties do you have to define in order to configure.mp4 23.47 MB
Module 04/12. How do you configure default schema and initial data.mp4 52.42 MB
Module 04/13. What is a fat jar how is it different from the original jar.mp4 52.1 MB
Module 04/14. What is the difference between an embedded container and a war.mp4 72.39 MB
Module 04/15. What embedded containers does spring boot support.mp4 28.85 MB
Module 04/16. How does spring boot know what to configure.mp4 37.37 MB
Module 04/17. What does enableautoconfiguration do.mp4 32.87 MB
Module 04/18. What does springbootapplication do.mp4 34.84 MB
Module 04/19. Does spring boot do component scanning where does it look.mp4 30.09 MB
Module 04/20. How are datasource and jdbctemplate auto configured.mp4 51.52 MB
Module 04/21. What is spring factories file for.mp4 63.94 MB
Module 04/22. How do you customize spring auto configuration.mp4 44.68 MB
Module 04/23. What are the examples of conditional annotations how are.mp4 59.11 MB
Module 04/24. What value does spring boot actuator provide.mp4 20.63 MB
Module 04/25. What are the two protocols you can use to access.mp4 46.33 MB
Module 04/26. What are the actuator endpoints that are provided.mp4 48.5 MB
Module 04/27. What is info endpoint for how do you supply data.mp4 26.9 MB
Module 04/28. How do you change logging level of a package using loggers.mp4 85.5 MB
Module 04/29. How do you access an endpoint using a tag.mp4 57.19 MB
Module 04/30. What is metrics for.mp4 29.25 MB
Module 04/31. How do you create a custom metric with or without tags.mp4 68.25 MB
Module 04/32. What is health indicator.mp4 34.75 MB
Module 04/33. What are the health indicators that are provided out of the box.mp4 20.77 MB
Module 04/34. What is the health indicator status.mp4 27.15 MB
Module 04/35. What are the health indicator statuses that are provided.mp4 38 MB
Module 04/36. How do you change the health indicator status severity order.mp4 26.38 MB
Module 04/37. Why do you want to leverage 3rd party external monitoring system.mp4 51.63 MB
Module 04/38. When do you want to use springboottest annotation.mp4 50.88 MB
Module 04/39. What does springboottest auto configure.mp4 135 MB
Module 04/40. What dependencies does spring boot starter test.mp4 19.78 MB
Module 04/41. How do you perform integration testing with.mp4 65.9 MB
Module 04/42. When do you want to use webmvctest what does it.mp4 47.11 MB
Module 04/43. What are the differences between mockbean and mock.mp4 46.33 MB
Module 04/44. When do you want use datajpatest for what does.mp4 36.78 MB
Module 05/01. Mvc is an abbreviation for a design pattern what does.mp4 100.02 MB
Module 05/02. What is the dispatcherservlet and what is it used for.mp4 156.59 MB
Module 05/03. What is a web application context what extra scopes.mp4 76.7 MB
Module 05/04. What is the controller annotation used for.mp4 19.94 MB
Module 05/05. How is an incoming request mapped to a controller and.mp4 108.42 MB
Module 05/06. What is the difference between requestmapping and getmapping.mp4 36.82 MB
Module 05/07. What is requestparam used for.mp4 65.28 MB
Module 05/08. What are the differences between requestparam and pathvariable.mp4 69.3 MB
Module 05/09. What are some of the parameter types for a controller.mp4 304.91 MB
Module 05/10. What other annotations might you use on a controller method.mp4 390.13 MB
Module 05/11. What are some of the valid return types of a controller method.mp4 213.97 MB
Module 06/01. What are authentication and authorization which must come first.mp4 143.05 MB
Module 06/02. Is security a cross cutting concern how is it implemented.mp4 150.91 MB
Module 06/03. What is the delegating filter proxy.mp4 154.62 MB
Module 06/04. What is the security filter chain.mp4 123.04 MB
Module 06/05. What is a security context.mp4 130.08 MB
Module 06/06. What does the pattern in an antmatcher or mvcmatcher do.mp4 73.73 MB
Module 06/07. Why is the usage of mvcmatcher recommended over antmatcher.mp4 25.56 MB
Module 06/08. Does spring security support password hashing what is salting.mp4 116.53 MB
Module 06/09. Why do you need method security what type of object is.mp4 52.66 MB
Module 06/10. What preauthorized and rolesallowed annotations do.mp4 42.73 MB
Module 06/11. How are preauthorized and rolesallowed annotations implemented.mp4 79.14 MB
Module 06/12. In which security annotation are you allowed to use spel.mp4 46.24 MB
Module 07/01. What does rest stand for.mp4 106.79 MB
Module 07/02. What is a resource.mp4 65.56 MB
Module 07/03. What does crud mean.mp4 149.78 MB
Module 07/04. Is rest secure what can you do to secure it.mp4 53.06 MB
Module 07/05. Is rest scalable and or interoperable.mp4 143.42 MB
Module 07/06. Which http methods does rest use.mp4 19.78 MB
Module 07/07. What is an httpmessageconverter.mp4 66.94 MB
Module 07/08. Is rest normally stateless.mp4 91.9 MB
Module 07/09. What does requestmapping do.mp4 100.89 MB
Module 07/10. Is controller a stereotype is restcontroller a stereotype.mp4 38.94 MB
Module 07/11. What is the difference between controller and restcontroller.mp4 57.49 MB
Module 07/12. When do you need responsebody.mp4 31.9 MB
Module 07/13. What are the http status return codes for a successful get.mp4 102.64 MB
Module 07/14. When do you need responsestatus.mp4 43.83 MB
Module 07/15. Where do you need responsebody what about requestbody.mp4 73.33 MB
Module 07/16. If you saw example controller code would you understand.mp4 83.71 MB
Module 07/17. Do you need spring mvc in your classpath.mp4 27.8 MB
Module 07/18. What spring boot starter would you use for a spring rest.mp4 21.98 MB
Module 07/19. What are the advantages of the resttemplate.mp4 72.24 MB
Module 07/20. If you saw an example using resttemplate would you.mp4 72.96 MB
Module 08/01. Do you use spring in a unit test.mp4 244.74 MB
Module 08/02. What type of tests typically use spring.mp4 124.87 MB
Module 08/03. How can you create a shared application context in a junit.mp4 96.41 MB
Module 08/04. When and where do you use transactional in testing.mp4 78.7 MB
Module 08/05. How are mock frameworks such as mockito or easymock used.mp4 116.11 MB
Module 08/06. How is contextconfiguration used.mp4 69.48 MB
Module 08/07. How does spring boot simplify writing tests.mp4 111 MB
Module 08/08. What does springboottest do how does it interact with.mp4 112.55 MB