2.51 GB
2017-9-12 13:29
2024-12-21 18:17
14 Extras/001 Build variants Build Types Build Flavors.mp4 21.75 MB
09 App1. Scores/002 Shared Preferences Write.mp4 49.66 MB
09 App1. Scores/004 Clearing the stack.mp4 13.1 MB
09 App1. Scores/001 ScrollView.mp4 27.48 MB
09 App1. Scores/003 Shared Preferences Read.mp4 27.25 MB
08 App1. Multiplayer Game/002 Sending the word.mp4 33.9 MB
08 App1. Multiplayer Game/003 Inflating a view.mp4 44.64 MB
08 App1. Multiplayer Game/001 Creating view on XML mode.mp4 22.47 MB
08 App1. Multiplayer Game/004 Excercise Activities Stack.mp4 24.44 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/003 Java If and Toasts.mp4 23.55 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/002 Reading from a EditText.mp4 41.14 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/004 Loops Java For .mp4 47.71 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/006 Excercise Failing a letter.mp4 26.11 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/001 Activity lifecycle.mp4 10.59 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/007 Excercise Display failed letters.mp4 19.81 MB
06 App1. Basic programming/005 Showing guessed letters.mp4 22.71 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/003 MapView II.mp4 21.42 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/006 Google AdMob.mp4 43.8 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/004 Adding items to the MapView.mp4 44.93 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/005 Push Notifications.mp4 49.02 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/007 Export your App.mp4 21.75 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/008 Publish your App on Google Play Store.mp4 34.52 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/001 PagerTabStrip.mp4 17.65 MB
12 App2. Navigation and Maps/002 MapView I.mp4 45.31 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/004 OKHTTP, synchronous and asynchronous.mp4 42.71 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/005 Google Volley, connections management.mp4 32.19 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/006 Design patterns. Singleton.mp4 25.77 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/015 Volley Image Loader - NetworkImageView.mp4 33.21 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/003 Http connection.mp4 47.32 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/002 AsyncTask.mp4 42.17 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/013 Reading from SQLite, Cursor.mp4 53.38 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/012 Database Acces Object DAO.mp4 46.35 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/001 Reddit REST API.mp4 33.14 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/014 CardView Lollipop new UI element.mp4 22.58 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/011 Database contract and Database Open Helper.mp4 47.53 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/007 JSON and Gson.mp4 62.87 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/019 Calligraphy from Chris Jenkins.mp4 35.09 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/018 WebView - custom navigation and settings.mp4 61.26 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/017 Design patterns. Observer. RecyclerView onItemClickListener.mp4 45.75 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/016 Image download progress bar.mp4 56.91 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/020 Last lesson.mp4 2.26 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/008 Migrating to Android Studio 1.0 and Lollipo Emulator.mp4 29.75 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/010 ViewHolder implementation.mp4 37.69 MB
13 App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite/009 RecyclerView fundamentals and example.mp4 36.01 MB
02 An Android Project, the basics/004 Excercise Change the name and icon of our App.mp4 11.09 MB
02 An Android Project, the basics/003 Android Manifest.mp4 14.04 MB
02 An Android Project, the basics/001 Project Structure and type of files.mp4 15.11 MB
02 An Android Project, the basics/002 Android Resources.mp4 19.64 MB
07 App1. Game Logic, make it funny/004 Java Array.mp4 49.09 MB
07 App1. Game Logic, make it funny/001 Winning the game and adding scores.mp4 32.42 MB
07 App1. Game Logic, make it funny/002 Game Over.mp4 24.2 MB
07 App1. Game Logic, make it funny/003 Excercise Show the score.mp4 24.4 MB
07 App1. Game Logic, make it funny/005 Random.mp4 29.17 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/002 Splash Screen.mp4 22.26 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/005 ListView and Java List.mp4 21.08 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/004 Fragments.mp4 23.33 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/001 Introduction to our second app..mp4 8.97 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/006 Adapters.mp4 30.4 MB
10 App2. Overview and first screens/003 Threads and Handlers.mp4 28.36 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/006 Creating the game screen.mp4 41.25 MB
03 Your first App, show your progress/002 Your first crash and your first fix.mp4 32.46 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/005 Some motivation and Intents.mp4 28.82 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/004 Java basics.mp4 25.2 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/002 Views basics LinearLayout and RelativeLayout.mp4 30.17 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/003 Excercise Create Main Screen.mp4 43.32 MB
03 Your first App, show your progress/001 Android Views, first contact.mp4 21.42 MB
03 Your first App, show your progress/003 Your first Method.mp4 19.87 MB
03 Your first App, show your progress/004 Take a screenshot and share it.mp4 17.33 MB
05 App1. Starting with Views and Java/001 Application 1. Overview.mp4 10.85 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/003 Java Class and Constructor.mp4 11.89 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/001 Picasso and Maven.mp4 33.98 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/004 Parse.com Retrieving data.mp4 31.24 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/007 ViewPager.mp4 22.95 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/005 Excercise Displaying data from Parse.com.mp4 28.61 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/002 Parse.com creating our database.mp4 29.91 MB
11 App2. Downloading data from the cloud/006 ItemClickListener.mp4 17.7 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/002 Creating a new project and basic concepts.mp4 12.54 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/003 SDK Manager.mp4 13.09 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/006 Excercise Test your App on a 10 Tablet.mp4 11.44 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/001 Installing Android Studio.mp4 13.45 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/004 Launching our on App on the mobile and the emulator.mp4 27.39 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/007 Android 5.0 Lollipop walkthrough.mp4 32.2 MB
01 Android Studio, get familiar with the tools/005 Optional Genymotion and Android Studio Shortcuts.mp4 24.5 MB
04 The key to be self sufficient learning Android/004 Import Android Samples.mp4 23.22 MB
04 The key to be self sufficient learning Android/001 Logs.mp4 22.79 MB
04 The key to be self sufficient learning Android/003 StackOverflow.mp4 39.91 MB
04 The key to be self sufficient learning Android/002 Debugging.mp4 21.51 MB