[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Google Go Programming Course For Beginners
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f53ea1322978b55db3dcaeb8eb7f9316dba7dac4&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Google Go Programming Course For Beginners
1.14 GB
2019-9-5 21:01
2025-3-13 14:53
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/1. Promotion Video.mp4 14.73 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/2. Welcome To Our Course! Learn All of What This Course Has To Offer You Today!.mp4 9.24 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/3. What will you learn from this course.mp4 15.39 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/4. Who is this course is for.mp4 10.01 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/5. What is Google Go (also called Golang).mp4 18.68 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/6. Why would you want to learn google go (Golang).mp4 14.76 MB
1. Introduction to Google Go (Golang)/7. Secret weapons to really succeed with the course..mp4 19.32 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/1. Your Emergency Go Parachute.mp4 46.64 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/10. Debugging with Visual Studio Code (Multi Platform, Windows Linux Mac OS).mp4 66.4 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/11. Installing your IDE – Part 2 – Choose your own adventure!.mp4 9.13 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/12. Installing your IDE – Part 3 - Go..go..gogland! (Option #1).mp4 17.67 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/13. Section 2Installing your IDE – Part 4 – Modifying the plugin to use the communi.mp4 27.94 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/14. Installing your IDE – Part 5 – Using IntellJ IDEA ultimate (trial version) with.mp4 29.09 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/2. Installing Google Go.mp4 11.82 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/3. Setting up your Go Environment and Golang Workspace.mp4 10.8 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/4. Hello World.mp4 8.83 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/5. Installing your IDE - Part 1 - Installing GIT.mp4 8.95 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/6. Introducing Visual Studio Code - Alternative IDE.mp4 56.05 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/7. Visual Studio Code Installation - Windows.mp4 84.3 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/8. Visual Studio Code Installation - Linux.mp4 86.03 MB
2. Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)/9. Visual Studio Code Installation - Mac OS.mp4 111.64 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/1. What is programming - Part 1- Binary and 10 kinds of people.mp4 11.63 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/11. Course Checkpoint! How Has Your Experiecne Been With Us So Far.mp4 5.57 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/2. What is programming - Part 2 - Hexawhat.mp4 8.78 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/3. What is programming - Part 3 - What processing actually is..mp4 12.31 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/4. What is programming - Part 4 - How it all ties together and the power of Golang.mp4 14.37 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/5. Understanding the Hello World Program - No chicken or egg for us!.mp4 15.22 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/6. Variables and Constants - Part 1 - Simple Declarations and Data Types.mp4 12.85 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/7. Variables and Constants - Part 2 - Example time!.mp4 8.01 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/8. Variables and Constants - Part 3 - Declaration, Assignment and Initializations.mp4 8.66 MB
3. Fundamental Google Go (Golang)/9. Expressions - Expresso No... expressions - super important core concept here!.mp4 17.13 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/1. Loops - Part 1 - Count Down For New Years Eve! - The great setup!.mp4 11.19 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/10. Functions Part 2 - The simplest function there ever was.....mp4 12.46 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/11. Functions Part 3 - And the data came back...the very next day... and the data ...mp4 7.36 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/12. Functions - Part 4 - Pointers! By Reference! By Value! See it in action here!.mp4 18.09 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/13. Understanding Scope - (No.... not the mouthwash).mp4 15.57 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/2. Loops - Part 2 - Count down from 1000 No problem. Solving the looping problem.mp4 14.55 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/3. If - Part 1 - Hands on If Statements, and How old are you!.mp4 15.13 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/4. If - Part 2 - Hands on If statements... and the else if!.mp4 11.85 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/5. If - Part 3 - If .... or ELSE!.mp4 12.11 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/6. Switch - Part 1 - And a partridge in a pear tree....mp4 20.64 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/7. Switch - Part 2 - Hands on switch!.mp4 12.36 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/8. Switch - Part 3 - Fallingthrough Golang with a partridge in a pear tree!.mp4 15.75 MB
4. Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)/9. Functions Part 1 - And the introduction of the super brain!.mp4 24.6 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/1. Arrays and Slices - Part 1 - Arrays... and seeing multiple!.mp4 8.21 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/10. Course Conclusion! Congratulations on Completing Our Google Go Course!.mp4 7.68 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/11. Special Bonus Lecture Continue Your Learning & Enjoy A Special Bonus!.mp4 10.6 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/2. Arrays and Slices - Part 2 - Hands on Arrays.mp4 21.76 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/3. Arrays and Slices - Part 3 - Slices - A slice of nice!.mp4 15.25 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/4. Arrays and Slices - Part 4 - Hands on slices..... and the power within!.mp4 8.34 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/5. Advanced Topics - Simple Statements (that aren't quite so simple....).mp4 8.63 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/6. For Range Loops - Processing forloops in a blink of an eye....mp4 10.39 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/7. Variadic Functions - No function ever sounded so cool. Variadic...functions..mp4 13.3 MB
5. Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)/9. Where to go from here!.mp4 42.16 MB
6. Bonus Lectures/1. Plugin magic – how we created the Golang Plugin that you can still use in the cu.mp4 17.85 MB
7. Retired Lectures/1. Installing your IDE - Part 2 - Installing IDEA.mp4 20.9 MB