[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot - Blog App
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fe1157679f63e05ff411b8aef95a13a8cbf5c598&dn=[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot - Blog App
9.1 GB
2022-11-8 15:25
2024-12-27 07:15
1. Introduction/1. Course Overview and What you'll Learn in this Course.mp4 48.81 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/1. Adding Security to Spring Boot and Exploring Security Auto Configuration.mp4 75.59 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/2. Implementing Basic Authentication using Spring Security.mp4 93.8 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/3. Securing REST API's with In-memory Authentication.mp4 141.55 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/4. Create JPA Entities - User and Role ( Many to Many Mapping).mp4 124.8 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/5. Creating JPA Repositories - UserRepository and RoleRepository.mp4 71.65 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/6. UserDetailsService Interface Implementation.mp4 93.4 MB
10. Securing REST APIs/7. Securing REST API's with Database Authentication.mp4 133.76 MB
11. LoginSignin and RegisterSignUp REST APIs/1. LoginSignin REST API.mp4 104.46 MB
11. LoginSignin and RegisterSignUp REST APIs/2. RegisterSignUp REST API.mp4 103.37 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/1. JWT Introduction.mp4 58.84 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/2. Spring Security JWT Overview.mp4 5.47 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/3. Adding JWT to Spring Boot App.mp4 56.24 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/4. Creating JwtTokenProvider.mp4 106.47 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/5. Creating JwtAuthenticationFilter.mp4 122.91 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/6. Configuring JWT in Spring Security Configuration.mp4 78.69 MB
12. JWT (Json Web Tokens) - Securing REST API's with JWT/7. Change Signin or Login API to Return JWT.mp4 79.13 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/1. Versioning REST APIs Overview.mp4 45.84 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/2. Versioning through URI Path.mp4 138.71 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/3. Versioning through query parameters.mp4 43.95 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/4. Versioning through custom headers.mp4 43.27 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/5. Versioning through content negotiation.mp4 59.08 MB
13. Versioning REST APIs/6. Versioning Blog App REST APIs.mp4 64.74 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/1. What is Swagger and Why REST Documentation is Important.mp4 8.22 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/2. Integrating Swagger in Spring Boot App.mp4 85.85 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/3. REST APIs Documentation with Swagger UI.mp4 55.26 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/4. Swagger Docket Configuration in Spring Boot.mp4 116.7 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/5. Configure Swagger UI to include a JWT.mp4 109.62 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/6. Test Spring Boot REST APIs with JWT using Swagger UI.mp4 69.76 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/7. Customizing Swagger REST Documentation with Annotations.mp4 126.56 MB
14. Swagger REST API Documentation/8. Customizing Swagger Models Documentation with Annotations.mp4 57 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/1. Spring Boot AWS Deployment Overview.mp4 13.37 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/10. Test REST APIs using Swagger UI deployed on AWS.mp4 33.73 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/2. Important AWS Services that Java Developers Should Know.mp4 71.65 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/3. Using Profiles in Spring Boot Blog App.mp4 62.11 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/4. Write a Code to Insert Metadata in Tables.mp4 70.23 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/5. How to Signup and Signin to AWS Account.mp4 40.63 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/6. Set up MySQL Database in AWS cloud using RDS Service.mp4 44.73 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/7. Connect to AWS MySQL Database from MySQL Workbench.mp4 25.9 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/8. Package Spring Boot Blog App as JAR File.mp4 28.64 MB
15. Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud/9. Deploy Spring Boot JAR file on AWS Cloud using Elastic Beanstalk Service.mp4 32.04 MB
16/1. What is Spring Boot.mp4 41.04 MB
16/10. @SpringBootApplication Annotation.mp4 95.91 MB
16/11. Spring Boot Starters - Very Important Feature.mp4 103.15 MB
16/12. Spring Boot Starter Parent.mp4 87.43 MB
16/2. Spring Boot Key Features.mp4 111.68 MB
16/3. Different Ways to Create Spring Boot Application.mp4 34.29 MB
16/4. Creating Spring Boot App using Spring Initializr.mp4 70.61 MB
16/5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration.mp4 82.57 MB
16/6. Spring Boot Auto-configuration - Practical.mp4 195.62 MB
16/7. Spring Boot App Execution Process - Theory.mp4 56.32 MB
16/8. Spring Boot App Execution Process - practical.mp4 81.98 MB
16/9. Types of Spring Boot Applications - Let's Debug and Understand.mp4 160.89 MB
17/1. Create Spring Boot Application in STS.mp4 106.47 MB
17/10. Spring Boot Dev Tools.mp4 100.8 MB
17/2. Create Simple Spring Boot REST API.mp4 58.83 MB
17/3. Spring Boot REST API returns Java Bean.mp4 72.34 MB
17/4. Create Spring Boot REST API returns List.mp4 11.77 MB
17/5. Spring Boot REST API with Path Variable - @PathVariable.mp4 103.33 MB
17/6. Spring Boot REST API with Request Param - @RequestParam.mp4 104.03 MB
17/7. Embedded Servers - Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow.mp4 0 字节
17/8. Running Spring Boot Apps from the Command Line.mp4 92.66 MB
17/9. Deploy Step by Step Spring Boot WAR File to External Tomcat Server.mp4 114.83 MB
18/10. Q9. How many types of projects we can create using Spring boot.mp4 9.02 MB
18/11. Q10. Explain types of Embedded Servers in Spring boot.mp4 148.71 MB
18/12. Q11. How to run Spring boot application from command line.mp4 73.5 MB
18/13. Q12. Describe the flow of REST API HTTP request through the Spring Boot project.mp4 15.05 MB
18/14. Q13. How to create and deploy Spring boot WAR to External Tomcat Server.mp4 120.73 MB
18/15. Q14. What Is Spring Boot DevTools used for.mp4 113.24 MB
18/16. Q15. How to Add Security to Spring Boot and Explain Security Auto Configuration.mp4 76.53 MB
18/17. Q16. Have you used profiles in your Spring Boot project If yes, Explain briefly.mp4 40.39 MB
18/2. Q1. What is Spring boot and What problem Spring Boot solves.mp4 42.1 MB
18/3. Q2. Explain few important Spring Boot key features.mp4 113.67 MB
18/4. Q3. What is Spring Boot Auto Configuration.mp4 75.46 MB
18/5. Q4. How Spring boot internally works or explain run() method in Spring Boot.mp4 116 MB
18/6. Q5. What are different ways to create a Spring boot application.mp4 32.31 MB
18/7. Q6. Explain @SpringBootApplication,@Configuration and @ComponentScan annotations.mp4 101.18 MB
18/8. Q7. What is Spring boot starters and name few important Spring boot starters.mp4 114.76 MB
18/9. Q8. What is Spring Boot Starter Parent.mp4 84.73 MB
2. REST Basics and Key Concepts (For Beginners)/1. REST Introduction and REST Architecture.mp4 70.34 MB
2. REST Basics and Key Concepts (For Beginners)/2. REST Key Concepts - Resource, URI and Sub-resource.mp4 49.86 MB
2. REST Basics and Key Concepts (For Beginners)/3. REST Key Concepts - Http Methods.mp4 11.57 MB
2. REST Basics and Key Concepts (For Beginners)/4. REST Key Concepts - HTTP Status Codes.mp4 77.49 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/1. Blog Application - High Level Requirements.mp4 22.42 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/2. Selecting The Technology Stack for Blog App.mp4 27.83 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/3. Identify Resources for Blog Application.mp4 7.08 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/4. REST API Design for Post Resource.mp4 24.39 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/5. REST APIs Design for Comment Resource.mp4 37.57 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/6. REST API Design for SignupRegister and SigninLogin.mp4 6.75 MB
3. REST API's Design for Blog Application/7. Spring Boot Application Architecture.mp4 9.03 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/1. Create and Set up Spring Boot Project.mp4 53.99 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/10. TEST Create Post REST API using Postman client.mp4 32.87 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/11. Get All Posts API - Overview.mp4 15.14 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/12. Get All Posts REST API - Coding.mp4 129.86 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/13. Get Post By Id REST API - Overview.mp4 16.19 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/14. Get Post By Id REST API - Coding.mp4 65.58 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/15. Update Post REST API - Overview.mp4 19.74 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/16. Update Post REST API - Coding.mp4 95 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/17. Delete Post REST API - Overview.mp4 11.34 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/18. Delete Post REST API - Coding.mp4 70.98 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/2. Create Spring Boot Project Structure.mp4 38.38 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/3. Configure MySQL Database.mp4 76.92 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/4. Creating JPA Entity - Post Entity.mp4 83.38 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/5. Creating JPA Repository -PostRepository.mp4 51.28 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/6. Creating Custom Exception - ResourceNotFoundException.mp4 51.63 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/7. Creating DTO Class - PostDto.mp4 35.75 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/8. Create Post REST API -Overview.mp4 19.8 MB
4. Building CRUD REST API's for Post Resource/9. Create Post REST API - Coding.mp4 135.68 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/1. Pagination and Sorting Overview.mp4 33.27 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/2. Pagination Support for Get All Posts REST API.mp4 98.76 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/3. Customizing Pagination API Response.mp4 84.06 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/4. Sorting Support for Get All Posts REST API.mp4 72.44 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/5. Ordering in Sorting API - ASC and DESC.mp4 69.58 MB
5. Pagination and Sorting Support/6. Refactoring Hardcoded Values for Paging and Sorting.mp4 47.28 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/1. Creating JPA Entity - Comment.mp4 79.92 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/2. Creating JPA Repository - CommentRepository.mp4 38.58 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/3. Creating DTO Class - CommentDto.mp4 5.87 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/4. Create Comment REST API.mp4 146.58 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/5. Test Create Comment REST API using Postman Client.mp4 32.65 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/6. Get All Comments By Post Id REST API.mp4 73.71 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/7. Get Comment By Id REST API.mp4 117.98 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/8. Update Comment By Id REST API.mp4 129.88 MB
6. Building CRUD REST API's for Comment Resource ( One to Many)/9. Delete Comment REST API.mp4 92.2 MB
7. Using ModelMapper - Map Entity to DTO and Vice Versa/1. Map Post Entity to Post DTO using ModelMapper.mp4 92.99 MB
7. Using ModelMapper - Map Entity to DTO and Vice Versa/2. Map Comment Entity to Comment DTO using ModelMapper.mp4 40.17 MB
7. Using ModelMapper - Map Entity to DTO and Vice Versa/3. Refactoring GetPostById and GetAllPosts REST API.mp4 44.14 MB
8. Exception Handling in Spring Boot App/1. Spring Boot REST API Error Handling Overview.mp4 37.65 MB
8. Exception Handling in Spring Boot App/2. Spring Boot REST API Specific or Custom Exception Handling.mp4 106.83 MB
8. Exception Handling in Spring Boot App/3. Spring Boot REST API Global Exception Handling.mp4 50.99 MB
9. Spring Boot REST API Validation/1. Validation with Spring Boot - Overview.mp4 32.73 MB
9. Spring Boot REST API Validation/2. Validate Create Post and Update Post REST API Request.mp4 117.07 MB
9. Spring Boot REST API Validation/3. Customizing Validation Response.mp4 128.01 MB
9. Spring Boot REST API Validation/4. Validate Create Comment and Update Comment REST API Request.mp4 81.71 MB